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Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Photo Reportage from the Anniversary Celebration

The International medical faculty has solemnly celebrated the 50th anniversary of training foreign students at our university. By tradition the flowers were laid at the monument to the teachers and students of our University lost in the Great Patriotic War. By a joint effort a wonderful blue fir-tree was planted on the lawn in front of the main building.

And in the evening the whole faculty and its guests gathered in the House of Culture. Rector of the University, professor A.A. Babanin warmly welcomed the teachers and foreign students and rewarded the best professors, lecturers, inspectors of dean's office with certificates of honour. Vice-rector in international relations professor Fazel Hamid and the dean of the faculty associate professor E.A. Savchuk also congratulated the members of the faculty; in their turn they marked those students who distinguished themselves in studies and social life.

Traditionally the concert was bright, exciting, astonishing, including a lot of songs, dances, improvisation and even video-surprises. With greetings and creative gifts the representatives of Tavrichesky National University named after V.I. Vernadsky and Crimea Engineer-Pedagogical university came to congratulate us.

The celebration was completed by setting off Chinese lanterns with the faculty symbols. What a fascinating spectacle!.. 

«Medical Bulletin» No 10, June 2011.  

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