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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Treatment work

The clinical departments of CSMU are situated at 47 clinical bases throughout the Crimea.

The workers of clinical departments participate both in local and national programs and projects directed toward the support of rural population, reduction of maternal and infant death rate, fight against tuberculosis, cancer, etc. There is a number of CSMU activities undertaken together with medical establishments, namely theoretical and practical conferences, introduction of new diagnostic and treatment methods into the medical practice, lectures in Epidemiology and Phthisiology for students and resident physicians, different mass media programs intended to influence health behaviors of the public, medical services in different regions of the Crimea.

In cooperation with health care facilities CSMU participates in the national program on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, the common causes of death in Ukraine; program on the development of cardio- and neurovascular surgery in the Crimea. On the basis of the Crimean Republican Hospital named after Semashko N. A. and cardiological dispensary the academic staff of the Departments of Internal Medicine № 1 (Prof. Khrenov А.А) and № 2 (Prof. Beloglazov V. A.) has introduced into practice the following new methods of treatment for cardiovascular pathology: thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction, coronary ventriculography, implantation of modern artificial pacemaker used in significant cardiac disturbances, etc. With the scientific and methodical help of the University academic staff, in 2006 on the basis of Crimean Republican Hospital named after Semashko N. A. the Center of Invasive Cardiology and Angiology with intensive therapy unit was established.

National program «Oncology» is aimed at the improvement of help to the patients with different forms of growths. The staff of Oncological Department headed by Prof. Sorkin V. M. in cooperation with the Crimean oncologists took part in working out a republican program against malignancies for 2007-2016, which has been proved by Verhovnaya Rada of the Crimea in November 2006. This program showed some positive changes: in 2006 there was a 6% decrease in the incidence rate of cancer, a 4, 8% decrease in the cancer mortality rate, the quality of treatment for cancer was improved. The republican program «Diabetes Mellitus» was implemented by the active participation of the academic staff of the Department of Internal Medicine № 2: in cooperation with the Crimean endocrinologists they contributed to the more effective diagnostics of early stages of diabetes mellitus with a decrease in the number of patients suffering from its complicated forms. So the number of amputations in diabetes mellitus and fatal outcomes resulted from amputations decreased by 0,4 per cent.

The work on the enhancement in the treatment of thyroid diseases has been continued. It should be noted that surgical treatment of these diseases has always been a priority among the CSMU surgeons-endocrinologists who laid the theoretical and practical foundation of treatment for this difficult pathology. In 2006, 335 patients were operated on for the diseases of thyroid gland. Due to cooperation of the CSMU endocrinologists with surgeons-endocrinologists and health care agencies the incidence of diffuse and nodular goiter, hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis decreased in the Crimea 2006.

Tuberculosis epidemiological situation in the Crimea remains of great scientific and practical importance for phthisiatricians of the University. The decrease in Tuberculosis cases rates by 3,8 per cent in the Crimea in 2006 doesn’t allow to characterize the situation as controlled. It is also showed by considerable amount (51%) of cases with advanced tuberculosis and its common forms. Academic staff of the Department for Phthisiology and Pulmonology took active part in the implementation of «Adapted DOTS-strategy» in the Crimea, which was recommended by the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine. In 2006 there was a decrease of TB mortality by 16,5 per cent. Academic staff of the Department for Phthisiology and Pulmonology participated in the development of regional program on the resistance to TB epidemic in the Crimea through 2007-2011.

Along with this program the CSMU researchers work on the reduction of HIV/AIDS incidence and prevalence that is within the national program. Ones of the most essential issues for the CSMU researchers – infectiologists and obstetricians-gynecologists – is to provide safe blood supply, take the measures preventing HIV transmission from mother to child, provide proper and well-timed treatment of HIV-infected persons and persons with AIDS.

In 2004 Verkhovnaya Rada of the Crimea adopted «The Program on the Development of Family Medicine in the Crimea through 2004-2010», the Department of Therapy and Family Medicine (Professor I.L. Klyaritskaya) participated in its implementation.

The program on the preparation of general practitioners and family doctors was developed. In cooperation with the Ministry of Health Care of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea CSMU created the coordination council on the implementation of “Family Medicine” program in the region. At present, in Crimea there are 113 establishments of family medicine type with 234 general practitioners educated in CSMU. In 2006, 117 doctors and 28 interns were qualified in the speciality «General Practice and Family Medicine». The development of «Family Medicine in the Crimea» is a priority and achievement of our University.

New methods of liver diagnostics have been introduced (the Department of Therapy and Family Medicine, Professor I.L. Klyaritskaya, Department of Surgery at the Faculty of Post-Diploma Education, Professor V. N. Starosek): identification of Нр, functional state of liver, pancreas, intestines by means of special test. There is a unique method consisting of introduction of video capsule for the identification of mucous membrane condition in the gastro-intestinal tract (Department of Therapy and Family Medicine). New surgical approaches used in the treatment of hernias have been mastered and scientifically based at the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1 and No. 2.

One of the most important Ukrainian health care directions is «Maternity and Childhood». The academic staff of the pediatric and obstetric departments of CSMU takes immediate part in the implementation of national and regional programs in this direction.

On the basis of joint order of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine and CSMU “About the further enhancement of obstetric-gynecological aid to the public in the cities and rural areas of the Crimea” the CSMU administration intensified treatment and diagnostic activity at the departments of pediatric and obstetric-gynecological profile. In 2006 supervisory system of the Crimean towns and regions was renewed: obstetric-gynecological and pediatric teams including CSMU professors and doctors visit different areas of the Crimea.

©2006-2022 CSMU. Development and support – Information–Analytical Department
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