Already for 45 years foreign citizens have been studying at the CSMU. In 1961 six students from Greece came to us, in 1962 there were 22 students from Iraq, Sudan, Yemen. From then on with every coming year a contingent of students have been increasing, and also a number of countries, citizens of which have been studying at Crimean State Medical Institute.
For these years more than 2.5 thousand of specialists have been trained for health services of more than 100 countries.
In 1966 a dean’s office was organized to work with foreign students. Foreign students are trained in “General Medicine”, ”Stomatology”, “Clinical Pharmacy” specialities.
In 1993 the International Medical Faculty was organized. Since 1999 the University has been developing a new form of education. It’s teaching students in English. Annually professional English mastering is being tested. Now already 300 lecturers of CSMU teach students in English. Educational materials, manuals, text-books are done both in printed and electronic variants for English speaking students.
Foreign students take part in the work of the students’ learned society Annual International students’ conferences in English devoted to the actual problems of public health of different countries became a tradition.
Nowadays around 1.8 thousand students from 38 countries study at the CSMU. Only this year around 400 foreign students entered the University.
CSMU is the leader among the institutions of higher learning in the number of foreign students and the quality of education. A title of laureate of rating of higher schools of Ukraine “Sofia Kievskaya – 2004” for fruitful development of international relations and training of highly qualified specialists is the evidence of our merits.
To get higher professional qualification specialists are trained at the faculty of post-diploma education: post-graduate courses and clinical ordinature. To write a dissertation foreign students are given themes connected with the peculiarities of public health of their countries.
The authorities of the University pay great attention not only to the quality of education but to all spheres of students’ life: social, cultural, domestic.
Hostels of the University, in which the foreign students live, are located in the park zone. These are present-day buildings, equipped with modern amenities, where students live in blocks 2-3 persons in each. On the territory of the hostel campus there is Internet café, reading room, electronic reading room, billiard parlour, three cafes, in which national dishes are served. Besides students are offered services of automated laundry, hairdresser’s parlour, international telephony, International Commerce bank, cash dispenser.
Dean’s office personnel of the International Medical Faculty organizes work of the friendly associations of students from the same area, different national, religious and international parties, meetings, holidays and competitions. All this helps to broaden knowledge of culture and traditions of different countries and people, a real friendship is getting stronger, mutual understanding is growing, thus so necessary tolerance occurs in a natural way.
Foreign delegations visit us more often (up to 10-15 annually) they are the ambassadors of foreign countries and staff of embassies, representatives of higher medical schools, funds, firms and private persons. It has already become a tradition to hold international scientific and practical conferences, seminars and symposia at our University. Both our post-graduates from abroad and partners on mutual research works visit us, foreign lecturers give lectures in English. International relations of the University are growing, broadening, getting stronger and it’s an evidence of huge scientific and pedagogical potential of the University.
A jubilee year marks a very important event for the university: the International Medical Faculty was allotted official IES (International Education Society Ltd.,London) very prestigious rating AA which signifies “Top institution that is internationally known and recognized” which gives the graduates of the faculty the right to receive a certificate, proving a diploma on “General medicine” speciality to be the AA level.
Stable development of scientific schools and long-term scientific directions is realized in the conditions of active international cooperation with medical faculties, scientific research institutes, scientific centers and leading laboratories of many countries. Russia, Belarus, France, Germany, Austria, U.K., Sweden, Poland, USA, Canada, India, Malaysia are among partners of mutual scientific programmes. Collaborators of the University work with foreign partners in 16 international and 13 state programmes.
Today the department of biochemistry and biotechnology laboratory (Central Scientific and Research Laboratory – CSRL) – (Professor K. A. Efetov),the department of physiology –(Professor E. V. Evstafieva), department of pathological anatomy – (Professor A. K. Zagorulko), the department of clinical immunology and allergology – (Professor V. A. Beloglazov), department of obstetrics and gynecology – (Professor A. N. Ribalka),and also the laboratory of clinical immunology – (Candidate of Medical Sciences A. I. Gordienko) are fruitfully participating in the international collaboration. More over four clinical departments of the University are testing medicinal preparations according to the international agreement concluded with the leading pharmaceutical firms. More and more often specialists of the CSMU take part in the international meetings of the scientists. Only for the last two years more than 60 collaborators of the University have visited conferences and congresses of the highest level in the leading countries of the world. The Development of international relations in modern conditions provides a high level of scientific and pedagogical potential of the University owing to the acquired knowledge, experience, mental outlook broadening. Scientific activity of the University collaborators contributes to integration for solving of urgent scientific questions of the world medicine.