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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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The structure of post-diploma education

Clinical ordinature of the Crimean State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky is a doctor’s refresher training at the post-diploma education faculty.
The main aim is perfection of professional knowledge, practical skills, training of the doctor of the highest qualification on different specialties.

Term of study at the clinical ordinature for foreign citizens is fixed according to the application and the country requirements for a certain specialty. Beginning and completion of training is indicated in the contract. Term of training at the clinical ordinature on therapeutic specialties is 2 years, for surgical ones – 3 years
and for particular specialty like neurosurgery and others – 4-5 years.

Crimean state medical university trains foreign citizens on the following specialties at the clinical ordinature:


1.Obstetrics and Gynecology;






7.Children surgery;




11.Clinical immunology;

12.Clinical laboratory diagnostics;

13.Emergency medicine;







20.Prosthetic dentistry;

21.Orthopedy and traumatology;



24.Pathological Anatomy;






30.Therapeutic dentistry;



33.Physical therapy;

34.Dental surgery;


Foreign citizens who have just graduated from the university and have got a diploma of a specialist are admitted to the clinical ordinature on the contract basis.

The documents are submitted to the department of post-diploma education of medical university.

Doctors entering the clinical ordinature on the contract basis must submit the following documents:

• Application;

• Invitation to study;

• Questionnaire of indicated form;

• A copy of diploma with the appendix to it in which the list of marks on educational disciplines received is indicated (for citizens after graduation from the CSMU and other higher medical schools of Ukraine). Citizens, who received higher education in other countries, must follow a procedure of nostrification of diploma of higher medical education obtained abroad and submit a certificate on recognition of a foreign document from the department of nostrification of documents of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine ( address: Kiev, Shevchenko boulevard 16,block 2, 4th floor, room 405/2,tel.: +38 044 246 37 96; +38 044 246 37 53;

• Document on HIV test;

• Medical certificate certified by the official board of health of the country the citizen came from and it is given not later than two months before crossing the boarder of Ukraine for studies;

• Medical insurance policy for emergency medical care;

• Copy of birth certificate;

• Six photos, size 60x40 mm;

• Copy of valid national passport;

• Back ticket with the open date, valid one year.

Students are enrolled to the clinical ordinature every first day of the month (except July and August) during the academic year. Students are taught in Russian and English.

Tuition fee on the contract basis for foreign citizens in 2007/2008 (from 01.05.2007 till 30.04.2008) is:

• Clinical ordinature on every one of the specialties (except specialties of dentistry and “Urology” specialty) - 2700$US, excluding fee for hostel and scholarship;

• Clinical ordinature on specialties “Orthodontology”, “Prosthetic dentistry” - 3300$US, excluding fee for hostel and scholarship;

• Clinical ordinature on the other specialties of dentistry and “Urology” specialty - 3100$US,excluding fee for hostel and scholarship.

Hostel is not provided for clinical ordinature students for the period of studies, vacant seats at the hostel and additional payment for it is the exception.

A student is given a certificate on specialized training in medicine on the specialty chosen. Doctors, who graduated from the clinical ordinature, have the right to continue studies at the post-graduate courses on the contract basis.

Master’s degree is a completed educational and qualification level of a specialist, who gained profound special skills and knowledge on specialty chosen, has experience in its applying and defended master’s thesis at the academic council of the university. Term of study is 1 or 1,5 year depending on the specialty chosen.

After completion of the course doctors, who successfully defended master’s degree thesis, are given a Master ‘s diploma.

Tuition fee on the contract basis for the foreign citizens in 2007/2008 (from 01.05 till 30.04.2008) is:

• Master’s degree on every one of the specialties (except specialties of dentistry and “Urology” specialty) – 2700$US, excluding fee for hostel and scholarship;

• Master’s degree on specialties “Orthodontology”, “Prosthetic dentistry” - 3300$US, excluding fee for hostel and scholarship;

• Master’s degree on the other specialties of dentistry and “Urology” specialty - 3100$US, excluding fee for hostel and scholarship.

Doctor’s degree is a training of scientific staff of higher qualification.

Term of study is 3 years. During this time a postgraduate student must complete fully an individual plan on Ph.D’s thesis, pass exams on specialty chosen, philosophy, a foreign language and at a stated time defend a Ph. D thesis. A diploma of a candidate of medical sciences (Ph.D in medicine) is given to those who successfully defended a Ph.D thesis.

Tuition fee on the contract basis for foreign citizens in 2007/2008 (from 01.05 till 30.04.2008) is 3000$US, excluding fee for hostel and scholarship. Students are enrolled to the postgraduate courses every first day of the month (except July and August) during the academic year. Postgraduate students must submit the same documents as the postgraduate students entering to the clinical ordinature.


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