Dear graduates of Crimea State Medical University,
Now, you are living in different countries all over the world, everyone has a carrier and life of one's own. But all of you have something in common: you spent the best years of your life at CSMU, mastering one of the best professions in the world, the profession of a doctor.
Crimea State Medical University has been training foreign students for more than half a century already. Being both lecturers and members of administration, we are very proud of the fact that we have prepared so many wonderful specialists from 43 countries of the world. We feel that whenever you received your diplomas, you would never forget your first steps in Alma Mater: the first classes in Anatomy and Biology, the first exams, the first clinical tasks, the first hardships and victories of the students' life, and, of course, the beauty of the Crimean sea and nature.
Today, many of you stand on your own feet, have already become self-confident and successful. That's why after so many years it would be touching to recollect your first experience in medicine, to know about present achievements of our University, to remember your former lecturers and get acquainted with new ones.
But CSMU wants to know more about our graduates, too. We are interested not only in mere statistics, but also we would like to know about your accomplishments, success, hardships, and wishes. That's why we, the members of administrative board of the International Medical Faculty, would like to get in contact with all the graduates of our University, who have left Ukraine. Please, write us by post or by e-mail, or just come to visit us! You will see how much our University has changed of late. You will meet your former lecturers and get acquainted with new generation of talented teachers and students.
We would be very thankful to you if you could tell us about your work or further studies, your families and countries, your colleagues, who graduated from CSMU, or if you could send us your photos: it is very interesting and important for us. We are planning to place the best stories and photos on our website. Here, you will also find announcements and accounts of meetings of CSMU graduates.
We are sure that it would be of interest for you to come back for a while to the time when you were listening to the lectures or revising for the coming exam. We are going to organize the club of CSMU graduates in the nearest future.
We would be very grateful for your response.
See you at CSMU!