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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Science and Research

Scientific research is carried out almost at all the departments, in the central research laboratory and in separate scientific laboratories of the University. These are the laboratories of clinical immunology, physiology and ecological medicine, microbiology, morphology with electronic microscopy, biotechnology, functional pathomorphology and surfactant therapy, pharmacology, experimental pathophysiology, immunohystochemistry and lectin hystochemistry, experimental medicine, protein chemistry and protein complexes.

The privileged direction of the scientific research among the University scientists are those connected with different national programs regarding health care of our population.

In particular, the programs on health resort treatment, ecology, tuberculosis, oncology, diabetes mellitus, mother and child health care, AIDS are of great importance. Many of them are financed by the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine and the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

Annually, over 50 scientific themes are elaborated, 5-9 doctoral and 25-30 Ph. D. theses are defended, over 20 manuscripts are published. The University scientists attain up to 70 patents for their inventions, which are applied in the practical health care.

The development of scientific research requires modern equipment: over the last years 2 electron microscopes, flow cytofluorimeter, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, PCR-laboratory, scanning spectrophotometer, CT scanner, digital X-ray apparatus, and modern ultrasound equipment have been purchased.

The scientific progress is also promoted by the publishing activity: the University publishes “Taurida Medical Biological Herald”, “Herald in Physiotherapy and Balneology”, “Taurida Magazine of Psychiatry”, Crimean Therapeutic Magazine”, digest “Problems, Achievements and Perspectives of Medical Biological Sciences and Practical Health Care” are listed in the register of special scientific magazines and collections approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine.

In addition, the scientific progress is achieved through the active international cooperation with medical faculties, research institutions, scientific centers and leading laboratories of Germany, Russia, Belarus, France, Austria, Great Britain, Sweden, Poland, USA, Canada, India, Malaysia. The University cooperates with its foreign partners in 16 international and 13 national programs.

At present, ones of the most productively working departments in the respect of international cooperation are the following: Department of Biochemistry and Laboratory of Biotechnology (central scientific research laboratory, Professor K. Efetov), Department of Physiology (Professor Ye. V. Yevstafyeva), Department of Pathophysiology (Professor Zagorulko A. K.), Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology (Professor V. А. Beloglazov), Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Professor Rybalka А. N. ), as well as Laboratory of Clinical Immunology (Associate Professor А. I. Gordienko).

4 clinical departments of the University perform testing of pharmaceutical products that is according to the concluded international agreements with the leading pharmaceutical companies.

The CSMU specialists participate in the international scientific meetings: just over the last years more than 60 members of University academic staff visited the conferences and congresses of the highest level held in the leading countries of the world.

Expansion of the University cooperation with foreign countries and intensification of contacts with partner-universities, e.g. Karl-Ruprecht University of Heidelberg and many others, help young specialists upgrade their knowledge and skill levels.

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