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Record of physiologists: around the world within … 33 days

In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. Marry Poppins
(«В каждой работе должен быть элемент веселья…)

Wide range of ecologo-physiological and medico-ecological investigations carried out by the Department of Human Physiology as well as the development of physiological approaches to the evaluation of environmental risk for health allow the department staff to participate in numerous scientific forums in Ukraine, as well as in Europe, since this very direction is nowadays very promising and ever more needed.

The participation of the Department in the investigations within the European Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, started in 1997 under the direction of Professor Ye.V. Yevstaf’yeva, has been intensively developing. Elena Vladimirovna carries out successfully expert functions at the working meeting of the Convention and World Health Organization and with her colleagues introduces new approaches into the practical studies in the Crimea. This year in spring the principal results of the studies were introduced at the regular meeting of the monitoring group within the Convention (28 February -1 March 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia; 16-19 April 2012, Warsaw, Poland).

We evaluate the peculiarities of the functional condition of different systems of human body under the influence of anthropogenic factors, that is why our studies deal with different disciplines, which enables us to participate in congresses, forums, conferences dedicated to different scientific-practical directions including clinical ones. Because recently one of the promising instruments to study and forecast the development of diseases is evaluation of the content of different pollutants in the human body in connection with the high level of anthropogenic impact.

So here are the results introduced by the department members last and this year:

- participation at the conference for neurosciences Sinapsa organized by the regional committee of Federation of European Neurosciences (22-25 September 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia);

- ХХ World congress of neurologists (12-17 November 2011, Marrakech, Morocco);

- 8-th forum of the Federation of European Neurosciences (14-18 July 2012, Barcelona, Spain);

- 16-th congress of Federation of European Neurological Associations (8-12 September 2012, Stockholm, Sweden);

- 16-th international conference on heavy metals in the environment (23-27 September 2012, Rome, Italy).

Measures under the aegis of the World Federation of Neurologists (WFN), Federation of European Neurosciences (FENS) and Federation of European Neurological Societies (EFNS) gathered record-breaking number of participants, being alive and creative space with great concentration of thought and unique experience. Thousands of scientists and physicians from all the world corners shared the results of their studies disclosing the brain secrets. Such forums give the possibility to learn innovative solutions and the most modern tendencies in the field of neurology and neurosciences, discuss new approaches to diagnostics and treatment of diseases.

Unfortunately, due to financial problems we were unable to go to the Great Britain, although our works were accepted twice to the participation in the conferences under the aegis of the British Physiological Society, which took part in March and in July of this year.

However, due to the congresses of CIS physiologists in autumn 2011 and the congress of CIS pathophysiologists this autumn in the Crimea the Department was able to renew the lost after perestroyka tight relations with physiologists from CIS and share the results of their work.

Drawing up scientific as well as …geographic results , we can say that we’ve had the opportunity to visit picturesque Sweden in Northern Europe, city on 14 islands  – Stockholm … To enjoy the beauty of Ancient Rome along with the luxury to talk to those who hold the same views as we do... To see personally famous architectural miracles of Gaudi in Barcelona … To visit exotic Northern Africa and… plunge into the atmosphere of eastern tale... We plunged into the traditions of Europe and enjoyed the amazing benevolent atmosphere and comfort in Ljubljana and Warsaw… We were delighted to see again after so many years the northern capital of Russia – the city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), once so beloved by all the citizens of the USSR.

All these trips took us 33 days. Other continents and many scientific meetings expect us in the future. Along with the receiving new knowledge, they will inspire us for the creation of actual projects giving us possibilities to develop our studies. Because every conference gives great supply of energy: knowledge, scientific connections, inspiration and just desire to live and work.

Svetlana TYMCHENKO, associate professor of the Department of Human Physiology.

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