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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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About department

Historical Background:

From 1931 there was a united department of Marxism-Leninism. In 1969 on the basis of this department two new departments were founded: the department of history of CPSU and political economy (head of the department - associate professor P.G. Yermishin) and department of philosophy and scientific communism (head of the department - professor A. A. Glazachev). From September 1991 an educational process is conducted on the joint department of philosophy and social sciences. At different times the department was headed by associate professor V. P. Petrov, Professor F. V. Lazarev, associate professor I. I. Mashkovsky. From 1997 the department was headed by associate professor, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences V. A. Ursina. Since September 1, 2010 associate professor Roman'ko O.V. (Doctor of Historical Sciences) has been the head of the department.

Glazachev Afanasy Alexeyevich (1923-1991) – a historian, philosopher, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences since 1972, Professor since 1972. He graduated from the historical faculty of Novosibirsk pedagogical college in 1946, from Academy of Social Sciences Attached to the CC of CPSU in 1960. From 1965 he worked at CSMU and headed the department of philosophy (1965-1991). His scientific researches are devoted to the problem of spare time, education of students. He is the author of 60 scientific works; rewarded with the title “High Achiever of the Health Care”.

Disciplines of the department:

• Bases of Economics, History of Medicine, Geography and Culture, History of Medicine and Pharmacy are taught to the 1-year students of the 1, 2 medical faculties, Dentistry faculty, Pharmaceutical faculty

• Philosophy is taught to the 2-year students of the 1, 2 medical faculties, Dentistry faculty, Pharmaceutical faculty

• Bases of Bioethics and Biosafety, Bases of Christian Ethics and Morality are taught to the 3-year students of the 1, 2 medical faculties, Dentistry faculty

• Sociology, Pharmacological Ethics and Deontology, Logic and Methodology of Cognition are taught to the 4- and 5-year students of the Pharmaceutical faculty

• Philosophy is also taught to postgraduates and candidates for a degree.

Teaching the above-mentioned subjects is conducted according to the requirements of Bologna declaration.

Scientific Work:

The department carries out researches in the direction: “A Human in the sociocultural space on the threshold of 21st century”.

Students’ Scientific Circle:

The student debating society is called “Medicine&Philosophy”.

The scientific leader is associate professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences Roman'ko O.V.

During the meetings the philosophical problems of medicine, deontology, and history are discussed.

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