Preparatory Department of the Crimean State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky (CSMU) which obtained the fourth higher grade of accreditation of the institutions of the higher education in Ukraine is one of the best in the Crimea.The head of Preparatory Department is associate professor (Docent) Marina Ivanovna Pavlenko and Director of studies senior teacher Natalya Michailovna Kizilova
While in the Preparatory Department foreign students are studying the following subjects:
- Russian language
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Computing
- Regional Studies
- Elective course of medical terminology in English
Our academic year starts in September-October. Duration of studying varies from eight up to ten months. Departmental courses are given by high-qualified lecturers of the CSMU. The lecturers in the Russian language have experience of work with the institutions of higher education of Syria, Germany, Turkey, Cube, and other countries.
After the graduation from the Preparatory Department of the CSMU (in case of successful completion of studies) students receive officially recognized certificate of graduation which allows them to apply to any Ukrainian, Russian and Byelorussian institution of higher education. High quality of training in the Preparatory Department of the CSMU facilitates successful studying in the institutions of higher education with medical, biological and technical specialization.
Students of the Preparatory Department have free access to the library, computer lab (including Internet), policlinic and gymnastics facilities of the University. Five student hostels of the CSMU offer accommodation in convenient rooms for 2-3 persons. The hostels are situated in the park area of the city centre in the walking distance from the University premises.
The hostels meet all requirements necessary for comfortable stay, preparation for studies and rest. The hostels are offering the following facilities:
- Reading rooms and halls for education;
- Cafeterias, bars, restaurants, buffets, shops;
- Billiard-room;
- Hall of prayer (for Muslim students);
- Xerox;
- International phone-machines;
Sportive facilities of the University are considered to be one of the best in Ukraine. There are the following facilities: - Stadium;
- Hall for track and field athletics;
- Swimming-pool;
- Halls for basketball and volley-ball;
- Gymnastics;
- Game areas;
- Specially equipped halls for shaping and various types of oriental combats;
Students of the Preparatory Department are entitled to receive free medical treatment in a special student policlinic situated in the territory of the University.
In the course of the academic year students of the Preparatory Department become acquainted with the places of interest and sightseeing of the Crimea’s, which is considered to be one of the most beautiful corners of our planet. Cozy and mild climate of the Crimean peninsula abundant in fruits and vegetables facilitates the adaptation of the students arriving from the hot southern countries to the Ukraine’s standards of life.
Additional information:
Crimea is the warmest region of Ukraine. Frost-free period on the Crimea’s Southern shore consists of 252 days.
The sun is shining in Simferopol longer than in any other Ukrainian city (2458 hours a year).
Simferopol is one of Ukraine’s student centres. Apart from the CSMU there are the following institutions of higher education: Taurida National university, Crimean Academy of Environmental and Resort Building, Academy of Agriculture. Upon the graduation from the CSMU foreign students may continue their studies in any of the institutions mentioned above.
There are all everyday needs necessary for the comfortable stay in the Crimea:
Developed network of the city transport (trolley-bus, bus, and mini-bus connections);
There is a direct air connection with Turkey, Egypt and Jordan from the Simferopol airport;
Cheap basket of goods;
Foreign student may rent private apartments (monthly rent varies depending on the location and quality of the flat);
Foreign students may spent their week-ends in the best hotels of the Crimea’s Southern shore;
Foreign students are required to submit the following documents in order to apply for acceptance to the Preparatory Department: Official invitation for studying from the Ukraine (foreign citizen gives copy of passport, copy of document about education translated into English or Ukrainian languages for receiving official invitation).
To become a student of the Preparatory Department a foreign citizen must put the next needed papers (in addition to official invitation):
- Official invitation for studying from the Ukraine;
- Original of education certificate with the list of disciplines and grades;
- AIDS analysis certificate;
- A medical certificate attested by an official medical board in the residence country and issued not more then 2 months prior to the entrance to Ukraine;
- Copy of birth certificate;
- Return open date ticket;
- Xerox-copy of passport;
- 8 photos (60x40mm);
The documents listed in paragraphs 1, 3, 4 are to be attested and legalised in accordance with the legislation of the residence countries unless envisaged otherwise by Ukraine's international agreements.
The normal entrance period for training in Ukraine is from 15 August to 1 November annually. Students, arriving in a different period have to receive a special permission from the Ministry of education of Ukraine.
Documents are accepted from the end of August through the beginning of September of the current academic year. In addition to the educational fee, there are the following additional payments:
- accommodation in a hostel room;
- medical insurance;
For reduced tuition-fee the students of the Preparatory Department may attend non-mandatory courses of the Russian language, Russian (Ukrainian) literature and culture.
The Preparatory Department of CSMU offers a possibility of studying the Russian language (on individual basis and in groups) to the students of the Preparatory Department and other foreign citizens while being enrolled on specialized courses of “Business-Russian,” “Russian in 10 days (for tourists)”, “Intensive Russian”. Tuition fee varies depending of on a course and a number of academic hours.