Coat of Arms
State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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The preparatory courses


The preparatory courses were organized in 1991, they are a structural unit of the University. The activity of the preparatory courses is directed to prepare pupils for entrance examinations to medical and biological higher institutions At the preparatory courses hearers study biology, chemistry, Ukrainian and Russian for 8 months. There are two forms of instruction: evening (on weekdays), and daily (on Saturday and Sunday). Classes last 3 academic hours, twice a week in every subject. Experienced teachers are working here: Professor V. O. Korolyov, assistant Professors N. I. Borodina, G. A. Kamenskaya, teachers G. G. Trotsenko, L. A. Demidenko, I. D. Karpova.

Every year more than 200 hearers study at the courses and their number tends to increase. Enrolment to the preparatory courses is made on contract basis, admission is carried out from September 1 till November 1. There is also a two-month intense training in the main subjects (May-June).

The contents of the training of hearers are determined by the program for entrants to Ukrainian universities.

High prestige of the preparatory courses is due to the fact that during the last three years 70% of the hearers of the courses became students of medical higher institutions. According to the results of sociological interrogation, those students who entered the University after the preparatory courses are more successful in studying fundamental subjects.


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