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Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Members of department, contacts

Zabolotnov Vitaliy Alexandrovich, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, the Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 since 26.09.2006.

His doctoral (Ph. D.) thesis titled “The Course of Pregnancy and Delivery in Females with Chronic Pulmonary Diseases Depending on Functional Activity of Immune and Fibrinolytic Systems “was defended at the meeting of the Scientific Council at the Kharkiv National Medical University in 1993, on specialty 14.01.01 – Obstetrics-Gynecology. His post-doctoral thesis “Female Reproductive Health in Bronchopulmonary Pathology”   was defended in 2000 on specialty 14.01.01 – Obstetrics-Gynecology.

Prizewinner of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea 2008 in the category “Public Health and Health Resorts” for his monograph “Gynecologic Oncology”. Member of the board of directors of the Ukrainian Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, the Ukrainian Association of Menopause, the Russian Society of Obstetrician and Gynecologists, the European Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (EAGO), the International Federation of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (FIGO), the World Congress of Gynecologic Oncologists (WCGO), Federation of the European Menopause Societies (FEMS).

In February, 2008 was elected corresponding member of the Crimean Academy of Sciences.


Under the guidance of Professor Zabolotnov V. A. the following doctoral theses were defended:

1. Dovgan’ А.А. “Modern Aspects of Prevention and Therapy of Non-Specific Vaginitis in Gestation Period”, 2002.

2. Dubkovsky Gennady Valeryevich “Dynamics of Immune Reactivity in Postpartum Endometritis in the Process of Lymphotropic Therapy”, 2003.

3. Miklin Oleg Petrovich “Functional Interaction of Anthropo-Physiologic Characteristics and Reproductive Functions in Females of the Crimean Region”, 2006.

4. Sidorov Denis Mihailovich “Features of Gestation Period in Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome and the Methods of Its Correction”, 2009.


Under the guidance of Professor Zabolotnov V. A. 8 Master’s theses were defended. The last defense of Master’s thesis of Lu Tsy titled “Rehabilitation of Females after Medicamentous Abortion” took place on 30.05.2013 (got top mark). 


Participation in congresses and symposia from 2012 to 2013.

The 4th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics Gynecology and Infertility (COGI): Building Consensus in Gynecology, Infertility and Perinatology (BCGIP) in collaboration with The Royal Thai College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Bangkok, Thailand, November 24-27, 2011Posters List - Group B №107. Report “Neuroendocrinal Disorders in Girls with Obesity” V. Zabolotnov, T. Kobez, A. Rybalka, V. Yakovenko.

Participation in the work of the national cycle of seminars “Modern Ways of Enhancement of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Perinatal Aid in Ukraine” Simferopol, 29 April, 2012.

International conference “Topical Issues of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology” 3-5 May, 2012, Sudak. Report of Zabolotnov V. A., Rybalka A. N., Khuramshyn F. Sh. “Pregnancy and Constipation Synderome”. Report of Zabolotnov V. A., Rybalka A. N., Boeva O. I. “Prevention of Obstetric and Perinatal Complications before Conception and in the I Trimester of Pregnancy”.

National cycle of seminars “Reproductive Aspects Improving Demographic Situation in Ukraine”, Simferopol, 18 May, 2012.

Meeting of investigators Protocol UTRO-200-ЗЕВ Mysteries “International, Multi-Institutional, Open Study of Efficacy and Safety of Micronized Progesteron for the Prevention of Premature Delivery in Women at Risk” Jordan, 13-18 September, 2012.

Good Clinical Practice training (GCP training) for the investigators, Jordan, 15 September, 2012.

Research and practice conferences with the international participation and Plenum of the Ukrainian Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians “Safe Motherhood: on the Way of Reforms and Innovations” 27-28 September, 2012, Kiev.

Scientific conference with the international participation: “Women’s Reproductive Health in the XXI century” Yalta, 2 March, 2013. Report of Zabolotnov V. A. “Treatment of Menstrual Disorders in Obese Girls”.

The 15th world congress on human reproduction Venezia, Italy, 13-16 March, 2013. Report of Zabolotnov V. A. “Menstrual Function in Obese Adolescent Girls»

Practical training in Perinatal Center in Gilzenkirhen, Germany, from 18.03 to 29.03 2013.

Participation in the Experten-Workshop Urogynakologie (the leading German experts) on the theme “Weiblliche Beckenbodenchirurgie” (Women’s Pelvic Surgery) Halle, Germany, 21/03-22/03/2013.

Scientific conference “Innovation in Hormonal Contraception: Concern for Woman and Future Generation” Alushta, 12.04.2013. Report of Zabolotnov V. A. “Innovation in Hormonal Contraception: Concern for Woman and Future Generation”.

International conference “Topical Issues in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology” 7-9 May, 2013, Sudak. Report of Zabolotnov V. A., Rybalka A. N., Miklin O. P., Lyashenko E. N. “Characteristics of Menstrual Function in Obesity and Its Correction”.

Participation in the XI World congress of Perinatal medicine “Global Changes in of Maternal and Child Care: Practical Application of Achievements of Evidentiary Medicine for the Enhancement of Aid Rendered” 19-22 June, 2013, Russia, Moscow. 

Participation in the 10th Congress of the European Society of Gynecology, 18-21 September, 2013, Brussels, Belgium.

Research and practice conference with the international participation and Plenum of Gynecological Society “Associations of the Ukrainian Obstetricians and Gynecologists” titled: “Reproductive Health: Vital Questions of Present Time”, “Safe Motherhood: on the Way of Reforms and Innovations” 25-27 September, 2013, Kiev. Report of Zabolotnov V. A., Rybalka A. N., Kamilova I. K., Miklin O. P.: “Cesarean Section in Ukraine: Clinical Protocols, Evidentiary Medicine and Practice”.

Author of 318 published works. Since 2008, 78 have been published, among which the most significant are the following:

Obstetrics and gynecology: Manual Simferopol: IAD CSMU. - 2003. - 336 p. Rybalka A.N., KamilovaI.K. 

Гінекологія: підручник для лікарів-інтернів Харьків: Основа, 2003. - 728 с. За ред. В.І. Гищенка.

Спосіб діагностики клінічно вузького таза Деклараційний патент на корисну модель.2005 10537 України, UA 7 A61B8/00. №11553; Заявл.08.11.2005; Опубл.15.12.2005; Бюл.ПВ №12. А.М.Рибалка,.МіклінО.П.

Онкологическая гинекология Издательский центр КГМУ. – Симферополь, 2006,- 472 с. А.Н.Рыбалка.

Obstetrics PART I. (textbook for English-speaking medical students) Simferopol: IAD CSMU.-2007. - 640 p. A.N. Rybalka, I.K. Kamilova

Gynecology PART II. (textbook for English-speaking medical students) Simferopol: IAD CSMU.-2007.-432 p. A.N. Rybalka, I.K. Kamilova.

Спосіб корекції синдрому подразненого кишечнику у вагітних Деклараційний патент на корисну модель. 2008 України, UA 19 A61Р1/00. №36608; Заявл.15.08.2005; Опубл.27.10.2008; Бюл.ПВ №20 Рыбалка А.Н., Сидоров Д.М.

Гестозы (пособие для врачей и студентов) Издательский центр КГМУ. – Симферополь. - 2008. – 155 с. Рыбалка А.Н., Кучеренко Ю.А., Романец В.Н., Миклин О.П., Дижа М.А.

Акушерство и гинекология Практикум необходимых знаний и умений студентов и врачей интернов медицинских ВУЗов III-IV уровней аккредитации Издательский центр КГМУ. – Симферополь, 2009,- 250 с. Соавторы: А.Н.Рыбалка, Ю.А.Кучеренко, Ю.К.Памфамиров, И.К. Камилова, Дижа М.А., Глазкова И.Б., Дубковский Г.В., Остапенко А.И., Сидоров Д.М., Рябошенко А.А., Паламарчук М.В.

Neuroendocrinal Disorders in Girls with Obesity // The 4th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics Gynecology and Infertility (COGI): Building Consensus in Gynecology, Infertility and Perinatology (BCGIP) in collaboration with The Royal Thai College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Bangkok, Thailand, November 24-27, 2011. Coauthors: T. Kobetz, V. Yakovenko, A. Rybalka.

Menstrual Function in Obese Adolescent Girls // Giornale Italiano di Ostetrica e Ginecologia Human Reprouction 2013. P. 368-370. Coauthors: T. Kobetz, V. Yakovenko, A. Rybalka.

Participation in the discussion devoted to the breast diseases within the TV show “О наболевшем” (painful problems) on ГТРК Крым (State TV and Radio Channel “The Crimea”) broadcasted on 27.04.


Department staff:

Zabolotnov Vitaliy Alexandrovich, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of the Department;

Lyashenko Elena Nikolaevna, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor, head of the teaching department

Pamfamirov Yuriy Konstantinovich, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor.

Kamilova Irina Kokharovna, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;

Kucherenko Yuriy Anatolyevich, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;

Miklin Oleg Petrovich, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;

Rumyantseva Zoya Sergeevna, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;

Prochan Elena Nikolaevna, Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant;

Kosolapova Natalya Vladimirovna, Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant;

Mogorovskaya Anna Valeryevna, senior laboratory assistant.


Department disciplines:

Obstetrics and Gynecology. The study of Obstetrics is in the 4 academic year within 2 terms, Gynecology is studied in the 5 academic year within 1 term, in the 6 academic year there is a cycle in Obstetrics and Gynecology.


Concentrations of research and practice:

They are concentrated on the extragenital pathologies and pregnancy; first aid in obstetric and gynecologic emergencies; prematurity and postmaturity; Cesarean section in modern Obstetrics; Gynecologic Oncology; prevention and treatment of inflammatory processes of genitals; Gynecologic Endocrinology, etc.


Student scientific society:

It’s is headed by Associate Professor Rumyantseva Z. S. Each year 50-60 students successfully carry out their research within the work of society and win prizes in different competitions and conferences.


Contact information:

Tel. +38(0652) 49-77-76. E-mail:

Address: 95024, Simferopol, 60-Years –of –October Str., 30.

Clinical site of the department: City Clinical Maternity Hospital No. 2, Simferopol

Tel.: +38(0652) 44-04-62; 44-03-18.

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