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Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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About department

The microbiology department of Crimea medical institute was founded in 1931. Its first head was Sergey Mikhailovich Shchastny.


S.M. Shchastny, M.D., professor, (1875–1943) is a famous microbiologist, epidemiologist, public health official. His scientific works were devoted to epidemiology and diagnostics of plague, chronic plague in rats, the study of etiology and pathogenesis of food poisonings. Due to antiepidemic measures developed by him such diseases as plague, cholera, typhus, and other infectious diseases were successfully controlled. From 1919 to 1928 he was director and research supervisor of Odessa bacteriological station named after I.I. Mechnikov, reorganized in 1920 into Odessa state sanitation and epidemiological institute named after I.I. Mechnikov (later Odessa scientific research institute of virology and epidemiology named after I.I.Mechnikov). S.M. Shchastny was highly experienced in pedagogical activity, wrote the textbook “Short Course in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases” (1912), was a lecturer in microbioly at Odessa university (1918), head of microbiology department at Novorossiysk university (1921), professor of microbiology department at Odessa chemicopharmaceutical institute (1928). From 1931 till 1938 S.M. Shchastny was the head of microbiology department of Crimea state medical institute, where he continued his research on vaccination against tuberculosis with BCG vaccine started still in Odessa.



From 1938 till 1942 the department was headed by Vladimir Davydovich Shtiben, M.D., professor.

V.D. Shtiben studied variability of bacteria, was engaged in taxonomy and systematization of microorganisms, published the book “Indicator of Bacteria Pathogenic for Man” (1935, 1955).



During the Great Patriotic War the Crimea medical institute was evacuated in Kyzylorda. Il'ya Aronovich Sutin, professor, M.D., became the head of the department at that time.

Before the war he had been the head of microbiology department of Stalingrad medical institute. I.A. Sutin was a talented teacher, the author of repeatedly republished textbook “Medical Microbiology” for medical colleges.


Kirill Dmitriyevich Pyatkin, M.D., laureate of state prize, worked at the Crimea state medical institute from 1945 till 1985 (Fig.4), being the head of microbiology department for 35 years (1945-1980).

K.D. Pyatkin graduated from Rostov medical institute, then he attended postgraduate courses at Moscow Central institute of epidemiology and microbiology, worked as an assistant of microbiology department at Stalingrad medical institute (1937-1941). During the Great Patriotic War he served in the acting army as chief of base laboratory and chief of sanition and epidemiologiac detachment. After the war he was sent to Crimea medical institute to be the head of microbiology department.

In the period of postgraduate training he started the research of pathogenesis and immunity in case of diphtheria and continued this work at the microbiology department of Stalingrad and Crimea medical institutes. The obtained results of this reasearch were generalized in doctoral dissertation defended in 1944 and in monograph “Diphtheria” (1959), as well as in 50 scientific articles.


In basic research laboratory organized by K.D. Pyatkin at the microbiology department in 1961 the fundamental researches were carried out on genetics of bacteria, infectious pathology, immunology; the effect of physical and chemical factors on microorganisms was studied. 

K.D. Pyatkin was highly educated, wise and extremely intelligent man, who was able to attract people by his ideas, to provoke interest in science. Therefore the students’ scientific society at the microbiology department was one of the best at the institute. Such members of the department as associate professor L.V. Tyshkevich, senior lecturers Yu.N. Achkasova, T.A. Sarachan, V.I. Myshak, N.I. Bryzgunova started their way to the profession in this society.

Their candidate's dissertations were devoted to the study of R-, F- and Hly- plasmids in bacteria. Young lecturers acquired pedagogical skills from their teachers – assistants of the department N.S. Markova and N.D. Trofimova, who worked with K.D. Pyatkin more than 20 years. In cooperation with him they wrote “Guide to Practical Classes on Medical Microbiology” (1962).

In addition the following colleagues worked with K.D. Pyatkin at the department in different years: 

E.V. Bakulina – at first worked as an assistant, then associate professor, professor; she studied the phenomenon of parasite cenosis and genetic metabolism in bacteria, published the monograph “Theory of Parasite Cenosis and Genetic Metabolism in Bacteria” (1970);

Yu.G. Sapronov, M.D., professor, who later became the head of microbiology department at Irkutsk medical institute;

G.I. Kharchenko, M.D., professor, investigated the distribution of antibiotics in the human organism;

S.P. Tseyukov, M.D., professor, studied enterobacteria; in patients with dysentery-like diseases he isolated and investigated pathogenic Escherichia “Crimea” which was later referred to E.coli O-151; wrote the book “Dysentery and Dysentery-like Diseases” (1975);

Yu.S. Krivoshein – since 1968 he has been assistant, then associate professor and professor.

Professor K.D. Pyatkin prepared 8 doctors and 25 candidates of medical sciences. More than 400 works, including 27 textbooks, manuals, monographs were published.

K.D. Pyatkin directed his energies to the improvement of educational process. He wrote down the program on microbiology, virology, immunology (1968, 1975, 1981). Since1977 the department has been adopted as fundamental by the Order of Health Minister of the USSR and became a training center on teaching microbiology.

K.D. Pyatkin wrote “Lectures on General Medical Microbiology” (1959), “Lectures on Special Medical Microbiology” (1961), “Lectures on General and Medical Genetics” (1970), “Guide to Practical Classes on Medical Microbiology” (1962, 1969, 1986, 1993), textbooks “Medical Microbiology” (1962), “Microbiology with Virology and Immunology» (1969, 1980). Textbooks “Medical Microbiology with Virology and Immunology” and “Guide to Practical Classes on Medical Microbiology”, republished several times in Russian and Ukrainian, were translated into Moldavian, English, Spanish and Romanian and were applied in the educational process in more than 50 countries of the world. In 1983 the textbook was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine, and professor K.D. Pyatkin and his disciple professor Yu.S. Krivoshein became laureates of state prize of Ukraine.


For many years K.D. Pyatkin was a member of editorial board of international journal “Hygiene, Epidemiology, Microbiology and Immunology”.

Professor K.D. Pyatkin rendered great help to practical healthcare in revealing, study and prophylaxis of malaria, leptospirosis, tularemia, mosquito fever, typhus fever, brucellosis, typhoid, dysentery, participated in liquidation of diphtheria and cholera in the Crimea.

Professor K.D. Pyatkin’s merits are marked by battle and labour rewards: “Order of the Patriotic War of II degree”, medals – “Distinguished Service Medal”, “For Stalingrad defense”, “For Valorous Labour”, “Veteran of Labour” and others.


Yuri Semyonovich Krivoshein (1939-2007) headed the department of microbiology, virology and immunology of CSMU named after S.I. Georgievsky from 1980 till 1999.

Yu.S. Krivoshein was born on 25 April, 1939. From 1956 till 1962 he studied at Crimea medical institute. From 1963 till 1966 he attended postgraduate courses at the Institute of Experimental Biology of Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR in Moscow. From 1966 to 1968 he worked as a research scientist at the Institute of experimental pathology and therapy of Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR in Sukhumi. In 1966 he defended a candidate and in 1984 a doctoral dissertation. In 1968 he started his work at Crimea medical institute. Yu.S. Krivoshein is a disciple and successor of K.D. Pyatkin. Yuri Semyonovich headed the department after K.D. Pyatkin for 20 years (Fig.6).

Yu.S. Krivoshein is Doctor of Medicine, professor, laureate of state prize of Ukraine, honoured worker of science, academician of RAMTS, academician of Petrovsky academy of sciences and arts since1977, academician of Crimea academy of sciences since 1994, the author of more than 350 published works, including textbooks, manuals, monographs.


Professor Yu.S. Krivoshein in cooperation with professor G.V. Troitsky and professor G.Yu.Azhitsky created the scientific laboratory of space biotechnology on the base of Crimea medical institute, renamed later into Crimea state medical university (CSMU).


Due to the work of this laboratory over 50 most difficult experiments on cultivation and division of producers of biologically active substances, crystallization of proteins, isolation and purification of viral proteins and gene engineering biopreparations were theoretically grounded, prepared and successfully conducted on the space orbital stations “Salute”, “Soyuz” and ‘Mir”. From 1980 Yuri Semyonovich supervised the Union program on space biotechnology of “Mikrofor”, and from 1993 – the program “Suzir'ya”, carried out by the National space agency of Ukraine, INTAS, COPERNICUS.


Staff of microbiology department of CSMU and microbiology laboratory of Central Scientific Reasearch Laboratory in the mid-80th of ХХ century. Standing from left to right in the first row: V.A. Boyarkin, L.V. Tyshkevich, T.A. Sarachan, S.P. Tseyukov, Yu.N. Achkasova, N.I. Bryzgunova, Yu.S. Krivoshein (in the second row), V.I. Myshak (in front of him in the first row), G.I. Kharchenko, V.A. Shatrov (in the second row), O.N. Postnikova, L.Yu. Berzhanskaya, K.D. Maly (in the second row). Sitting from left to right: E.G. Melnichenko (second on the left), I. B. Andronovskaya, A.M. Katsev (fifth on the left).


Within the framework of “Mikrofor” theme the research workers L.Yu. Berzhanskaya, E.G. Melnichenko and A.M. Katsev carried out the research of bioluminescent bacteria and gene engineering Escherichia cultures – interferon producers. Enzyme luciferase was obtained, purified and crystallized. On the basis of luminous bacteria the diagnostic test-system was created for determination of general toxicity of water environment (approved by Ministry of ecological safety of Ukraine in 1997). Using new detergents, the members of the department and laboratory of CSMU Central Scientific Reasearch Laboratory I.A. Popov, Yu.L. Krivorutchenko, I.B. Andronovskaya, A.A. Bakova and others isolated and purified preparations of hemagglutinin and matrix protein of flu virus.


Subsequently monoclonal antibodies to these proteins were obtained and test-system was created for diagnostics of the flu, which was tested during the epidemic of this infection in 1995-1996. Yu.S. Krivoshein made great contribution to the development of new medical and prophylactic preparations. Antiseptic miramistin developed by him is most famous, on its basis 18 medicinal forms of miramistin were introduced into medical practice (18 patents were received).


Scientific researches on AIDS conducted under the supervision of Yu.S. Krivoshein were financed by native and foreign grants. The work was carried out in cooperation with scientists of Ukraine, Russia, Sweden and Finland.


Ten doctoral, 25 candidate's dissertations and 6 works in candidacy for master's degree were defended under supervision of Yu.S. Krivoshein.


Yu.S. Krivoshein paid great attention to educational work. Jointly with professor K.D. Pyatkin he published the textbook “Microbiology with Virology and Immunology” (1980) and “Guide to Practical Classes on Medical Microbiology” (1986), as well as microbiology curriculum and manuals. Yu.S. Krivoshein is a coauthor of such manual as “Genetics for a General Practitioner” (1996), textbook for students of medical colleges “Basis of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology» (2001), practical guide for doctors and students “Medical and Sanitary Microbiology” (2003), textbook for students “Medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology” (2004).


Professor Yu.S. Krivoshein was awarded a diploma and medal of laureate of Prize named after academician M.P. Chumakov in the area of immunologic technology for contribution to the development of new direction “Space Biotechnology”, introduction of new generation of diagnostic, prophylactic and medical preparations into practice, for training scientific personnel (2000), a diploma and medal named after V. I. Gromashevsky for contribution to the development of microbiology, epidemiology, theory and practice of fight against infectious diseases (2003). Yu.S. Krivoshein’s biography was placed in a biographic reference book “Who is Who?”, which was published by Cambridge International Biographic Center (Great Britain, 1994).


Professor Yury Leonidovich Krivorutchenko, M.D., has been head of the department since 1999 (Fig.7). In 1977 he graduated from Crimea medical institute. From 1977 till 1980 he worked as a surgeon in Kherson and Yalta, from 1981 - as a doctor at the research institute of health resort named after I.N.Sechenov, from1983 till 1984 as a senior laboratory assistant, later assistant of biochemistry department. From 1984 till 1989 he was a senior laboratory assistant and then assistant of microbiology department of Crimea state medical institute. From 1984 under the supervision of professors G.V. Troitsky, G.Yu. Azhitsky and Yu.S. Krivoshein within the framework of space project “Tavriya”he participated in work on parameters of isolating viral proteins under the conditions of microgravitation and preparating experiments for being carried out in space on board the orbital complex “Salute-7”-“Soyuz-13”- Soyuz-14”.

Information obtained during this research provided the basis for candidate's dissertation. Doctoral dissertation was devoted to the study of anti-HIV and immune modulating properties

of muramyl dipeptide and saponin derivatives from the Crimean ivy. This work was aimed at development of new immune adjuvants for experimental vaccines against AIDS and was carried out jointly with scientists of Sweden and Finland.


Professor Yu.L. Krivorutchenko is an author of 110 published scientific and 14 educational works, has 3 author’s certificates of the USSR, 2 invention patents of Russian Federation and one patent of Ukraine. He is a coauthor of the textbook “Medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology /ed. V.P. Shirobokova/ Vinnitsa: New Book, 2011.-952 p.

Under the supervision of Yu.L. Krivorutchenko the reasearch of antimicrobial and immune modulating properties of new derivatives of muramyl dipeptide and saponin from the Crimean ivy is continued at the department, as well as the study of interrelation between changes

of levels of bacterial growth-inhibitory activity of blood serum and occurrence of infectious complications in patients with liver cirrhosis, diabetes and in patients with surgical abdominal pathology.


With the purpose of improvement of educational process the teachers of the department published “Collection of Test Tasks on Medical Microbiology”(2000, 2002, 2004, 2008). For teaching English-speaking students the manual “Medical Microbiology” in English, consisting of three parts was published by Krivorutchenko Yu.L. and Andronovskaya I.B. in 2004. It was reprinted in 2005, 2006 and 2009.


Since1998 Alexander Borisovich Khaitovich, M.D., professor has been working at the department who is also the chief of the Crimean antiplague station of Ministryn of Healthcare of Ukraine and a member of UNO expert committee on observance of bacteriological (biological) weapon convention (Fig.8). The scientific consultant of his doctoral dissertation was professor Yu.S. Krivoshein. A.B. Khaitovich carries on great research and organizational work aimed at improvement of sanitary control over dangerous infectious diseases of people, which are of international significance. He made great contribution to the study of cholera epidemiology, highly pathogenic avian influenza and other latest infections. He is an author of more than 300 scientific works, prepared one candidate of medical sciences.

Today the follopwing members of the department work there: the associate professors Tyshkevich L.V., Pavlova N.V., Andronovskaya I.B., senior lecturers Sarachan T.A., Logadyr T.A, assistants Malygina V.Yu., Postnikova O.N., Myasnikova O.N., Kirsanova M.A., Khaitovich A.G.


For 80 years of the department existence several generations of teachers-scientists have passed

but the traditions of teaching microbiology established by the founders of the department have been saved up to now.

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