The scientific work of professor P.T. Danil'chenko was diverse: in 1923 he took an active part in a deep-sea expedition to the Black Sea, which resulted in important theoretical generalizations. After the expedition he became a leader of mineral resources researches of the Crimea. In the early 30th, P.T. Danil'chenko started a new focus of research of physical and chemical analysis of colloid-dispersed systems of natural sites of major national economic importance. Under his leadership 20 master's theses were performed. For the excellent organization of research and teachers training he was awarded the Order of Lenin.
During the World War II (September, 1941 - August, 1944) the chemistry department was evacuated: first to Armavir, city of Krasnodar Krai, then to Kyzyl Horde city, the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, where it continued training future doctors. The Institute returned back to Simferopol in 1944. The main building was burned away, and the majority of theoretical departments had to take place in the former hostel (the present administrative building).
In 1938 Pyotr Spiridonovich Meleshko started working at the department. In 1949 he gained the candidate of sciences degree; in 1951 was chosen to a position of the associate professor. From 1955 he headed the department. P.S. Meleshko performed a big public work among students and his colleges.
In 1958 all the theoretical departments of Institute returned back to the restored buildings. Thus, good conditions for carrying out students' laboratory researches and scientific work were created again.
From 1942 to 1971 Evgenia Konstantinovna Istomina, a highly qualified teacher, worked at the department.
From 1955 to 1986 Tamara Dmitriyevna Markina started working at the department. In 1953 she finished postgraduate study at the Crimea teacher training college under the leadership of P.T. Danil`chenko. In 1955 T.D. Markina gained the candidate of sciences degree and in 1958 was approved as an associate professor. In 1957 T.D. Markina became a dean of the medical faculty, for the first time appeared in the Institute. Then within the next 15 years she was a dean of Faculty of public professions and School of the young lecturer.
In 1960 the department was reorganized according to the decision of the Academic Council of Institute: the course of organic chemistry which was given before on biochemistry department was transferred to it. Professor Mikhail Aleksandrovich Popov was elected to be the head. In 1940 he gained the candidate of sciences degree, and in 1952 — doctor's one. In 1953 he was approved in a rank of professor. M.A. Popov developed a way of receiving aminocaproic acid on technology without the use of expensive raw materials which found a wide application as styptic means in surgical practice, at gastric, pulmonary bleedings, etc.
From 1958 to 1986 Natalya Sergeevna Lobanova, an assistant, worked here. She devoted herself to educational work among students, was the curator of students' group; she was also the labor union organizer of the department.
In 1969 Georgy Vladimirovich Kobozev, a doctor of medical sciences, was elected to a position of the head of the department of general chemistry. He graduated from the Crimea Medical Institute in 1951, and then finished the postgraduate study at biochemistry department under the leadership of professor G.V. Troitsky. In 1960 he gained the candidate of sciences degree and in 1968 - the doctor's one. During 20 years of heading the department he reorganized educational process considerably by introducing some new branches of chemistry which would be important for the doctor. He also started a joint scientific work together with clinical departments.
Since 1989 Gennady Yuryevich Azhitsky, a professor, doctor of medical sciences, became a new head of the department. He graduated from the Crimea Medical Institute in 1966. In 1971 G.Yu. Azhitsky, the author of more than 120 scientific publications, 8 inventions, 60 improvement suggestions, 2 monographs, gained the candidate of science degree, and in 1988 - the doctor’s one. In 1995 he was elected the academician of the Crimean Academy of Sciences.
Since 1990 S.N. Borisenko, a professor, doctor of medical sciences, started her work at the department. She graduated from Moscow Medical Institute in 1966. In 1973 she gained the degree of candidate of sciences, and in 1990 - the doctor’s one. S.N. Borisenko was a talented scientist and the organizer of scientific work on the department. The main scientific achievements were connected with research of processes of chemical modification of proteins of serum of blood at pathology. In 1996 S.N. Borisenko tragically died.
During this period N.I. Borodina, T.K. Sharayeva, associate professors, L.N. Kuryaeva, L.A. Getman, senior teachers, G.V. Zagorulko, G.A. Kasymova, assistants, V.G. Kinberg, senior laboratory assistant worked here. T.V. Semenova and D.G. Azhitsky were in postgraduate study. In 1996 they gained their candidate of sciences degrees.
The staff of the department worked over improvement of the training program of physical, colloidal, bioinorganic, bioorganic chemistry for students of medical specialties. Training computer programs took root into educational process. Since 1992 the director of studies was L.N. Kuryaeva. Teachers worked with students of preparatory education and evening school for entrants; gave classes on day and evening offices of faculty for bachelors, pupils of lyceum. Associate professor T.V. Semenova and the assistant G.V. Zagorulko created a methodical material and gave classes with foreign students at the rate of physical colloidal and bioorganic chemistry in English.
During a long period of time L.A. Getman was a vice dean of the 1st medical faculty. N.I. Borodina was a vice dean of the 2nd medical faculty, and then stomatologic faculty. In 2001 L.A. Getman was awarded with the rank "The honoured worker of education".
The scientific subject of the department was "A role of free-radical processes in case of biological damages and search of new antioxidants". The department carried out joint scientific researches with departments of forensic medicine with a course of the right, medical biology, parasitology and genetics, clinical pharmacology, obstetrics and gynaecology.
Now scientific researches of the department are directed to study of biological properties of chemical substances with molecular-ionic size as well as nanosized materials based on bacterial bioluminescence technique.