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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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About department

Historical Background

 The department was founded in 1946. An experienced teacher and methodologist T. I. Konyayeva headed it for more than 30 years. She trained a pleiad of talented and serious specialists whose traditions are still maintained at the department. Later on, assistant professor A. I. Romaskevich took up the post and worked here for 15 years.

All the lecturers of the department know their subject very well improving their skills constantly in accordance with modern requirements, as well as using their experience and traditions of the past years. The Latin teachers A.A.Makeyeva and Т. V. Yefimenko have mastered teaching Latin in English and are working successfully with foreign students.

At present, the department staff is fully involved in the process of teaching according to the Bologna system: up-to-date manuals for both Russian-speaking and English-speaking students have been composed; methodical recommendations for teachers and students, as well as tests in English have been made for the University internal web-site.

The lecturers of the department publish educational literature in English and Latin, which is widely used in other universities of Ukraine.

Staff and scientific potential of the department has grown considerably during the last four years. S.P.Berezhkova was conferred the rank of assistant professor for the textbook registered in the Ministry of Health and other works published. Senior lecturer A.A.Mazinov has defended the candidate thesis; lecturer Sheremet D. V. is working actively on her thesis.

About 1500 students study at the department every year. Post-graduates and masters take English course and prepare for the candidate examinations, too.

The computer lab created on initiative of the Head of the department assistant professor S. P. Berezhkova has been working successfully since 2004. All the students of the first and second years take extracurricular course of English here. In the 1st term the students study and are tested in the program of everyday English, while in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years they do home-reading, translate original medical texts related to the topics studied with the help of an up-to-date electronic dictionary Lingvo. There are also training and testing computer programs of the DSL complex composed by the Cambridge University Press and meant for post-graduates, masters and lecturers of the University teaching in English.

The lecturers of the department have been teaching English to the University staff for more than 10 years already. The main task of the course is to provide the teachers with all the necessary language skills for them to be able to teach their subjects in English and to communicate with foreign students fluently. Not less than 100 persons take the course annually. The program of the course includes everyday English (studied on basis of the original course books), as well as English for the Specific Purpose (medical English) and is supplied with audio and visual aids.

Every year the lecturers of the University teaching in English are certified: they take a training program and then tests in everyday English in the computer lab of the department of foreign languages and are interviewed by the members of the examination board at CSMU. The latter includes not only lecturers and professors of our University but also lecturers of the department of foreign languages of Tavrichesky National University. The head of the English course for the University staff and the chairwoman of the examination board is the head of the department assistant professor S. P. Berezhkova.

The department staff works regularly as both translators and interpreters. The teachers translate manuals and textbooks by the University lecturers and professors into English, accompany the University delegations abroad and receive foreign visitors and working groups in the Crimea.

The department tries to accustom students to the English language, to acquaint them with colloquial speech and communicative rules not only in class, but also in their free time. The lecturers arrange parties and literary soirees dedicated to English poets and writers where students can speak English. Thus, the department of foreign languages and the literary club Inspiration organized a wonderful literary soiree devoted to William Shakespeare where students and teachers recited sonnets and poems, sang songs and acted out scenes from Shakespeare’s plays; the students met with the actor of the Crimean Russian Drama Theatre M. Gorbachyov who presented a performance in English.

Annually, beginning with 2008, the department conducts the symposium on the theme “What you know about the country (countries) which language you learn?” where the advanced students make reports on different topics, including:

  •  education (secondary, higher, special, particularly medical)
  •  health service
  •  culture
  •  various discoveries of previous years and modern times.

Each symposium is accompanied by multimedia presentation. During such conferences the students demonstrate their knowledge of English, their ability to hold debate about definite topics, as well as the ability to think scientifically.

On the basis of the department the seminars were held where the heads of the departments of foreign languages of higher medical schools of Ukraine discussed the problems of teaching foreign languages and issuing textbooks and manuals.

In 2010-2011 on instructions of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine the staff of the departments
took an active part in issuing the national English textbook on stomatology for dentistry students of the higher medical schools of Ukraine. A large section of the textbook was prepared – lessons 10-17, about 130 pages. The work included:

  • composing texts, pre-text and post-text exercises
  • composing grammar exercises
  • selection and composing additional texts for individual work
  • making the vocabulary.

Disciplines of the Department:

The department teaches the following subjects:

the English language to the 1st and 2nd years;

the German language to the 1st and 2nd years;

the French language to the 1st and 2nd years;

the Latin language to the 1st year.

Scientific Work:

The department of foreign languages carries out researches in the direction Studying of Term Systems of Sublanguages.

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