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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Members of department, contacts

Romanenko Inessa Gennadievna  - Doctor of Medicine, Professor, full member of the Crimean Academy of Sciences, board certified (the highest category), Honored Doctor of the Republic of Crimea, Head of the Department of Dentistry at the Faculty of Post-Diploma Education at the Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky.

Member of Coordination Council by the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine.

The main external specialist of the Ministry of Public Health of the Crimea on the specialty “Therapeutic Dentistry”.  Member of the State Attestation Commission at the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Crimea awarding the qualification categories to dentists. Reviewer with a specialization in «Dentistry». Member of clinical expert commission by the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Crimea. Member of executive board of the Crimean department of the Ukrainian Dental Association. Board certified, the highest category in Therapeutic Dentistry. Supervisor of clinical residents.

Recipient of Merit Diploma of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine.

Chairman of the Crimean department of the Ukrainian Society of Periodontologists.

Member of the Academic Senate and the Academic Council of the Faculty of Post-Diploma Education of the Crimean State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky. Vice-chairman of task group “Dentistry”.

In 1993 she defended her Ph. D. thesis titled: “The Usage of Liquid Fraction of Peloid with Rose Oil in Treatment of Pulpitis in Permanent Teeth with Unformed Roots”. In 2009 she defended her post-doctoral thesis titled: “Pathogenesis, Clinical Picture, and Treatment of Glandular and Angular Chilitis in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus”.

Under her guidance on specialty 14.01.22. – "Dentistry" 6 Master’s and 4 Ph. D. these were defended, 3 Ph. D. these are being written and 5 Ph. D. theses are being planned now.

Author of the national study guide classified by the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, 150 articles, 3 guidance papers, 4 inventions and patents.

Member of scientific committee of young scientists of Ukraine.

Romanenko I. G. regularly delivers her reports at the international conferences, symposia and congresses of Ukrainian dentists.

Her scientific interests concentrate on diagnostics, treatment and prevention of dental diseases associated with other pathology.

Member of editorial board of 3 Russian magazines: «Московское научное обозрение» (“Moscow Science Review”), «Медицинский университет» (“Medical University”) and «Клиническая и экспериментальная медицина» (“Clinical and Experimental Medicine”)


Department staff:

Morozova Marina Nikolayevna  - M. D., Professor;

Gorobets Svetlana Mikhailovna  - head of teaching department, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;

Bobkova Svetlana Anatolyevna  -Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;

Demyanenko Svetlana Alexandrovna – M. D., Associate Professor;

Krylova Tamara Leonidovna  - Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;

Pil’tyai Vasiliy Ignatyevich – Ph.D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;

Dzhereley Andrey Alexandrovich – Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;

Kazinina Elena Nikolayevna  - Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant;

Makarenko Vera Nikolayevna – Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant;

Mostovoi Semen Olegovich – Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant;

Sysoyev Sergey Nikolayevich – Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant;

Vagin Pavel Vyacheslavovich - assistant;

Kryuchkov Dmitriy Yuryevich  - assistant;

Lukenberg Viktoriya Mikhailovna - assistant;

Melnichenko Darya Ivanovna - assistant;

Morozov Andrey Leonidovich - assistant;

Timoshenko Vladimir Grigoryevich - assistant;

Melnik Yekaterina Vladimirovna - assistant.


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