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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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About department

History of the department:
The Department was organized in 1997. It was headed by:
1997-1998  – Pinchuk Vitaly Vladimirovich.
1998-1999 - Sarchuk Valentina Nikolayevna, Doctor of Medicine, Professor.
From 1999 till the present time it has been headed by Miroshnichenko Natalya Vasilyena, Doctor of Medicine, Professor.

Scientific activity of the department:
1 doctoral and 2 Ph.D. theses were defended; 2 monographs were published, 2 workbooks with ISBN identifier, 8 information letters, 6 patents, guidelines and over 300 scientific articles were published too.  

Research direction of the department: clinical and functional characteristics of adjustment disorders and their complex correction with the help of methods of alternative medicine.
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