The academic staff and all the divisions of CSMU are active participants of reforming the public health services in Ukraine. The University has worked out the concept of its development which provides for compliance of the higher education in all its aspects, i.e. the organization of educational process, training standard, the personnel potential, scientific activities, medical and diagnostic work, to the branch standards.
The University implements the modern methods and practices of training that meet the requirements of the Bologna educational system. Training foreign citizens in English is being dynamically put into practice. The experts of the basic departments are developing new curricula, manuals and textbooks.
During the last 5 years, the professors and senior lecturers of the University have produced 180 educational books. Twenty textbooks and manuals (mainly in English) have received the signature stamp of the Central Methodical Study of the Public Health Department of Ukraine recommending them for usage as educational literature at higher medical schools of the country. The educational literature of our authors is being acquired by every Ukrainian higher medical schools and makes major success.
The University experts have worked out a computerized management system for educational process “The Contingent of students of the higher medical educational institutions of the ІІІ and ІV levels of accreditation” and put it into practice at higher medical institutions and the Department of Education and Science of Ukraine. The program has been working for 5 years and it is being permanently updated according to the actual needs of the higher school.
The research activities are expanding practically at all the departments, at the Central research and development laboratory and in certain scientific laboratories of the University. These are laboratories of clinical immunology, physiology and ecological medicine, microbiology, morphology with sub-microscopy, biotechnology, functional pathological morphology and surfactant therapy, pharmacology, experimental physiopathology, immunohistochemistry and lectinohistochemistry, experimental medicine, chemistry of proteins and protein complexes.
In the research activities of the University scientists, the directions bound with various national programs on public health services of the population are priority.
In particular, actual and perspective are the programs on balneology, bionomics, tuberculosis, oncology, diabetes, protection of maternity and childhood, HIV. Public Health Department and Medical Science Academy of Ukraine finance many of them.
Annually at the University over 50 scientific themes are accomplished, 5-9 doctoral theses and 25-30 master’s theses are defended, over 20 monographs are issued; the University scientists take out up to 70 patents applied in practical public health services.
The development of scientific research has a demand for the modern equipment. During the last two years, the University has acquired two novel electron microscopes, a stream cytofluorometer, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, ПЦР-laboratory, scanning spectrophotometer, modern diagnostic inventory – a computer tomograph, a digital X-ray unit, and new-generation ultrasonic apparatuses.
The scientific achievements are promoted by publishing: the University has issuings which the Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine has powered up in the list of express scientific magazines and diagests: the magazines “Таврійський медико-біологічний вісник” (“Taurida Medicine and Biology Bulletin”), “Вісник фізіотерапії й курортології” (“Physiotherapy and Balneology Bulletin”), “Таврійський журнал психіатрії” (“Taurida Psychiatry Magazine”), “Крымский терапевтический журнал” (“The Crimean Therapeutic Magazine”), the Diagest “Проблеми, досягнення і перспективи розвитку медико-біологічних наук і практичної охорони здоров’я” (“Problems, achievements and development perspectives of medical and biological sciences and practical health protection”).