Hymn of the CSMU
Professor K. A. Efetov
The country was rising from ruins and ashes,–
The thirties were hard in the previous age.
We started to fight for man’s life, ever precious,
But then faced the war with its horror and rage.
Through battles, ordeals, through fatigue and despair
We’ve carried intact our love in the heart,
To patients we’ve brought our skill, our care –
We thank Alma mater for medical art!
We thank Alma Mater, and we keep fidelity
To duties that are the world’s highest humane.
We thank for the knowledge and for the ability
To open new vistas, endeavour and gain!
New states with new borders and anthems appear,
But life goes along its own way day and night.
Now medical training is great in Crimea –
Vivat University’s glory and might!
The union of teachers and students advances,
Safeguarding man’s life with skilled hands and young heart!
God, bless Alma mater with happiest chances,
Vivat Alma mater! We love you! Vivat!