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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Old Simferopol

Gelvikh Roman Ivanovich

Medical education in the Crimea has a long-standing history. As early as 1794 the empress Catherine the Great decided to open Medico-Surgery Academy. But this project was unsuccessful.

However progressive people of Russia didn’t stop thinking of a higher educational institution to be founded in the Crimea. And since the end of the XIX century a number of scientific and medical institutions appeared in the Crimea due to private donations. By that time the Crimea has already become all-Russian resort.

After a long break, in 1916 Tavrichesky local autonomous bodies started the Tavrichesky University and a medical faculty was supposed to be a part of it. The history of Tavrichesky University begins just with the medical faculty on the 10th of April 1918. At first it was a branch of Kiev University of St. Vladimir and since April 14, 1918 it has become an independent higher education institution.

The first rector of the medical faculty and the dean at the same time was R. I. Helvikh, Professor of Medicine, anatomist by profession. 109 students were admitted to study at the medical faculty, being the most popular one. There were 15 clinical departments at the medical faculty.

The first graduates of the medical faculty got their diplomas in 1922. A total number of graduates was 523 doctors for the time of the faculty existence. After the university was reorganized into the pedagogical institute in 1925, the medical faculty was liquidated. Thus higher medical education existed for 7 years in the Crimea

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