History of the depertment |
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Crimean State Medical University was founded in 1931. Its first Head was Professor Tarlo B. S. (1931 – 1951). In this period of time the conservative methods of treatment for bleeding in obstetrics, for inflammatory process of female sex organs, for menstrual disorders, as well as the methods of surgical treatment for the diseases of uterine cervix were developed and introduced into practice (Associate Professor Nikonenko V. A).
Later Professor Pantsevich I. F. became the Head of the department (1951 – 1960). During these years new methodology for teaching Obstetrics and Gynecology were developed by Associate Professor Belyanskaya L. M., new treatment methods for infertility were developed and introduced into practical healthcare by Associate Professor Bukatyi G. F. and Brusilovskiy I. A., physiotherapeutic methods, mud therapy, hydrotherapy at the health resorts of the Crimea; metabolic disorders and theirs consequences during pregnancy (Associate Professor Lapko K. K., 1958). Prevention and treatment of premature delivery (Associate Professor Vyankin K. I., 1960).
From 1960 to 1963 Professor Petchenko A. I., outstanding teacher, scientists and doctor, was the Head of the department. Among his achievements there is the development and introduction into practice of methods for psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth, for painless delivery and labour regulation. He made also great contribution to the development of the Ukrainian school for obstetrics and gynecology. Professor Petchenko A. I. was the author of many fundamental studies, including the unique textbooks and monographs that many generations of obstetricians and gynecologists continued to study for the improvement of their skills (Obstetrics, 1954, 1963; Gynecology, 1960, 1965; Clinical Manifestations and Therapy of Gynecological Diseases in Children, 1964, etc.)
In 1921 Petchenko A. I. graduated from the Odessa medical institute, worked in Podol and Odessa districts in village hospitals. He completed his internship in obstetrics, gynecology and surgery. Later he worked as the head of some district hospitals and departments of obstetrics and gynecology in Odessa region. In 1933 he was appointed to head the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Voronezh with bed capacity for 180 patients and at the same time he worked as an assistant at the medical institute. During 3 years Petchenko wrote 15 studies and a monograph. In 1936 he moved to Leningrad where he started working at the II Leningrad medical institute, dermatovenerological department. In 1947 he was appointed to head the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Odessa institute for advanced training of physicians. In 1953 Petchenko became the Head of obstetric department and Vice-Director in scientific work the Leningrad institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Since 1955 Petchenko headed the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Leningrad pediatric medical institute, and in 1960 – 1963 the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Crimean medical institute.
Professor Petchenko wrote over 100 studies, including 16 monographs: «Physiology and Pathology of Uterine Motility» (1948); «Clinical Manifestations and Therapy for Slow Labour Progress» (1956); «Hormone Therapy for Some Disturbances of Uterine Contraction»; «Metrofirboma»; «Teaching Methods for Practical Classes in Obstetrics and Gynecology» (1958); study guides and collected books – «Techniques for Operations and Life-Saving Measures in Obstetrics», etc. Professor Petchenko was chairman of some scientific societies of obstetricians and gynecologists, member of editorial board of magazine «Obstetrics and Gynecology».
His huge pedagogical, medical and scientific experience Professor Petchenko brought to the Crimea medical institute. Many outstanding staff members worked under his guidance: Professor Demichev I. P., Associate Professors Lapko K. K., Brusilovskiy I. A., Vyankin K. I., Shylko N. A., assistants Zakharova A. P., Belyanskaya L. M., Makeeva L. N., Miroshnikova A. F.
From 1964 to 1983 the department was headed by Professor Golubev V. A.
His research interests were centered on «Surgical Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases of Female Sex Organs» (1975). The unique studies devoted to hormonal control of menstrual cycle and dysfunctional uterine bleedings were carried out in this period. The hormonal preparation called “vacuum-blood”, prototype of numerous contemporary hormonal contraceptives (gestagens), was developed, tested and introduced into practice (ass. Zakharova A.P., 1966). The department staff studied the following issues: the impact of the disturbances associated with the amniotic fluid volume on the pregnancy, delivery and the wellbeing of fetus (ass. Miroshnikova A. F., 1966); features of gestation course and delivery in the primiparas over 35 (ass. Markovskiy V. N., 1969); prevention and treatment of oncologic diseases (ass. Rybalka A. N.,1969), etiology and pathogenesis of obstetric bleedings (Associate Professor Vyankin K. I., 1970); pregnancy and delivery complicated by anemia (ass. Stepanova O. M., 1971); treatment of late gestosis (ass. Utenina L. I., 1972); etiology and pathogenesis of preterm birth (ass. Sukhopolskaya L. V., 1075); clinic-bacteriological aspects of postpartum infectious diseases (postgraduate Sello Dyedonnya, 1979); diagnostics and treatment of inflammatory genital diseases (postgraduate Abrakham, 1979); clinical manifestations typical for the sclerocystic ovary syndrome and its impact on pregnancy, delivery and development of newborns (ass. Pamfamirov Yu. K., 1981); clinico-morphofunctional parallels in the system mother-placenta-fetus in patients with heart defect, with vascular dystonia (postgraduate Penya Ramos, postgraduate Al Nisr Al Auad Suleyman, postgraduate Mgute S. D., 1978-1983).
At the same period of time well-known Professor Syzganova K. N. worked in our institute. Her fundamental studies were focused on the conservative and surgical treatment of female infertility.
Academician, Professor Rybalka A. N. was the Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No.1 in 1983-2006.
Since 2006 he is the Head of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology. In 1967 he graduated from the Crimea medical institute, worked as obstetrician-gynecologist in the village hospital. In 1969 he defended his Ph. D. thesis and was admitted to work in the Crimea medical institute as assistant, then as Assistant Professor. He defended his post-doctoral thesis in in 1983. In 1997 he became the corresponding member and in 2000 the Academician. Professor Rybalka is a member of board of directors in the Ukrainian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, presidium member of the European Society of Gynecological Oncology, etc.
Professor taught over 30 Candidates and Doctors of Medical Science. He is an author of 675 published studies, including those published in the foreign editions, 12 monographs, 11 textbooks, 59 study guides, 78 guidelines, 57 rational proposals, 6 inventions. Among his published works there are: Practical Gynecology (1980, 1988), Gynecological Oncology (1983, 2002, 2006), Obstetrics and Gynecologу (2003), Gynecology (2003), Obstetrics (2007), Ginecologу (2007), EPH-hestosis (2006) and many others.
His research interests and medical practice are mainly focused on the prevention and treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease and genital neoplasms, premature and prolonged pregnancies, gestosis, extragenital pathology and pregnancy, Cesarean section, gynecological endocrinology, medical emergencies, surgical obstetrics and gynecology, pediatric gynecology, family planning, etc.
For his achievements in the fields of medical science and medical practice planet No. 12674 was named after Professor Rybalka A. N. by the International Astronomical Union (circular No. 42673 dated on 09.05.2001). Professor Rybalka is one of «500 outstanding personalities of the Crimea in 20th century»; “Man of the Year 2005” according to the American Biographical Institute. Rybalka A. N. was a deputy of Simferopol city council, awarded the Certificate of Merit of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Crimea.
Prominent public person, presidium member of the International Society for Human Rights, leader of working groups of the international organizations for human rights: “International Amnesty” and “Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly”, board member of the Ukrainian Fund of Support of Penitentiary Reforms named after John Howard.
Under the leadership of Rybalka A. N. great attention was paid to the improvement of academic process. As a result of this – since the introduction of exam STEP-2 our students began to take the lead in different competitions held in Ukraine.
Traditionally, at the department there is a student scientific society. As a rule, our students take premier places in many competitions and conferences, take part and deliver their reports at the international congresses, symposia, conferences (Sitalo O. Yu., Polnikova A. V., Novitskaya A. B., and others). The studies of our students are published in the leading editions of our country and abroad. Almost all the staff members and leading specialists (chief doctors, city and district obstetrician-gynecologists of the Crimea) are our alumni.
The department has over 40 years of experience training doctors, scientists and teachers for foreign countries of the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Latin America. It trained 23 Candidates of Sciences and Doctors of Sciences. Now they are among the top specialists of their countries working in the prestigious universities.
Marashli Khaled (Siria) – Professor, Head of the Department for Clinic Obstetrics and Gynecology in the University of Damascus; Khadzhivangeli Emilios Kostas – the leading obstetrician-gynecologist of Cyprus, Saab Gassan Fuad – the manager of clinic in Lebanon; Аль-Salti Salam (Syria) – senior physician in the Central hospital in Warsaw; Valid Kamal – shief doctor of the hospital in Egypt; L. Rusin – the leading specialist of university clinic in Kirtland (USA); G. V. Matua – Associate Professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Tbilissi State University; Selo Dyedonne (Central African Republicа) – senior teacher in Yevpatoria medical college and obstetrician-gynecologist in Yevpatoria maternity hospital, deputy of the Yevpatoria city council and others.
They conducted the unique studies: the system mother-placenta-fetus and Rh incompatibility (ass.T.P. Sidorova, 1985); pathogenesis and therapy of obstetric hemorrhagic shock, hemostasis in pregnant women with anemia (Ass. Prof. I. К. Kamilova, 1990; postgraduate E. К. Khadzhivangeli, 1990; G.К. Lapko, 1989; postgraduate S. V. Serebryakova, 2003); prevention and treatment of genital inflammatory diseases (Ass. Prof. Yu. А. Kucherenko, 1990); new antiseptic, antiviral, anti-mycotic and immune-modulating drug called Miramistin was tested and introduced into obstetric-gynecological and surgical practice (ass. V.Т. Prokhorov, 1986; postgraduate Mokhamat Sheik Ibrahim, Garba Mohammed Aval, 1986-2002); obstetric pathology in women with malformation (Ass. Prof. N.А. Timofeeva, 1988); individual proteins of blood serum in pregnant women with gestosis and anemia (postgraduate Marashli Khaled, Al-Salti Salam, 1990); biosutures made of cranial dura mater used in the operations on ovary (postgraduate Ferdzhaui Abdalla Ben Yusif, 1990); pathology of hepatobilliary system in pregnant women (postgraduate El-Sherif Usman Ibrahim, 1991, Saab Gassan Fuad, 1993); protective mechanisms in the pathogenesis and therapy of endometritis and peritonitis after deliveries and Cesarean section, conditions of phagocytes and proteolysis of immune reactivity in the process of lymphotropic therapy in women with gestosis and extragenital pathology (ass. Yu. P. Vdovichenko, G.V. Dubkovskiy, postgraduate Zhebrovskaya, Mohammed Kebbey Babba, Ayieni Oshopitan Olancunle, Dzhausi Yazid Vasif, 1989-2003); the reproductive health of women suffering from bronchopulmonary pathology, diabetes mellitus, gestosis, intrauterine contamination, anthropophysical aberrations (Prof. V. А. Zabolotnov, Ass. Prof. О. P. Miklin, ass. Lyashenko, Ye. B. Baziliv, postgraduate G. V. Matua, 1991-2006); inborn malformations and their correction (ass. O.V. Grigoryeva, 2005); surgical treatment of sclerocystic ovary syndrome (postgraduate Valid Kamal, 1999).
Several well-known professors worked at the department and made great contribution to its development: Vyankin К. I., Gubaidullina F. N., Zabolotnov V. А. (now the Head of the department); Vdovichenko Yu. P. wrote and defended his post-doctoral thesis working at the department (at present, he is the Head of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology and is the First Vice-Rector in the Kiev Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education.
On the basis of the results of studies carried out at the department 22 post-doctoral and over 100 Ph. D. theses were defended; over 4000 studies and over 100 guidelines were published, 39 patents and over 400 innovation proposals were obtained.
Professor, corresponding member of the Crimean Academy of Science Zabolotnov V. А. heads the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 since 2006. The outlook of the department on the educational work is based on the further development of Bologna system of training doctors and its introduction into educational process, including the improvement of training in English.
The scientific research at the department is focused on the task to reduce the maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Given that the hepatic pathologies and diabetes mellitus are paid extra attention nowadays among all the extra genital pathologies in pregnant women, the department staff carries out the complex work cooperating with the related departments of the university for the study of characteristics of gestation period in women with these pathologies. The complex of practical recommendations will be concentrated on the reduction of obstetric and perinatal pathologies in these groups.
The most frequent perinatal losses in the contemporary obstetrics are associated with the premature birth. In these cases one can often observe maternal pathology. In this regard the department staff works on the development of practical recommendations concerning the proper management of premature birth, care of preterm infants and the characteristics of pregnancy and delivery in women with Rh- sensibilisation. These studies may explain the causes of the given pathology and reduce perinatal losses. The department staff also looks for the new effective preparations preventing and treating the most common obstetric pathology.
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