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Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Members of department, contacts

The Head of the Department of Physiotherapy at the Faculty of Post-Diploma Education is Professor Yezhov Vladimir Vladimirovich. In 1977 he graduated from CSMU. Since 1978 after the completion of his internship at the Department of Nervous Diseases (headed by Prof. Glaurov A. G., Honorary Figure of Ukrainian Higher Education) Yezhov constantly works at the department: senior laboratory assistant (1978-85), laboratory assistant (1986-95), Associate Professor (1996-2002), Professor (2003-2005), since 2006 the Head of the Department.

His Ph. D. (1985) and post-doctoral (1995) theses are devoted to the administration of physiotherapeutic methods in the rehabilitation of patients with cerebrovascular diseases.

Along with teaching Prof. Yezhov V. V. develops medical information programs for rehabilitation treatment of nervous and somatic diseases, methodological, organizational and medico-historical aspects of physiotherapy. Professor actively works on the introduction of modern rehabilitative and therapeutic technologies into clinical practice.

5 Ph. D. theses on specialty 14.01.33 “Medical Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy and Balneotherapy” were defended under his guidance (Chikurov Yu. V., Dushkin I. F., Yashenko S. G., Grebenyuk А.М., Subbotin F. A.), 1 Ph. D. thesis and 1 post-doctoral thesis are being written now under Yezhov’s guidance.

During the whole period of his professional activity Yezhov V. V. published over 400 research and practice works and study guides and received 7 patents. Together with other co-authors wrote several national study guides and textbooks on Physiotherapy issued both in Ukraine and Russia.  Professor Yezhov took part in a number of national and international congresses, conferences and workshops as organizer and participant.

Professor Yezhov V. V. is Academician of the Crimean Academy of Science, vice-chairman of the dissertation council of the Crimean Scientific Research Institute of Physiotherapeutic Methods of Treatment and Medical Climatology named after Sechenov I. M. (Yalta) and Task Group of the Academy of Medical Science and Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine “Balneotherapy and Physiotherapy” (Kiev), member of the board of directors of the All-Ukrainian Association of Physiotherapist and Spa-Physicians  (Kiev), expert of the Spa & Wellness International Council (Moscow), member of the academic council at the Faculty of Post-Diploma Education and vice-chairman of the University task group “Medical Rehabilitation, Balneotherapy and Physiotherapy”.

Professor Yezhov V. V. actively cooperates with the representatives of the leading specialized scientific and teaching centers of Ukraine and other countries. Professor makes well-founded propaganda of healthy lifestyle and the methods of physioprophylaxis. He actively works in the editorial boards of 5 professional medical research magazines. He is a competent specialist in the filed of rehabilitation medicine, physiotherapy and spa-therapy. For his labour achievements Professor was awarded the Diplomas of Merit, Letters of Acknowledgement, medals and certificates of state level and different professional associations.


Department staff:

Yezhov Vladimir Vladimirovich, M.D., Professor, Department Chief.

Bogdanov Nikolay Nikolayevich, M.D., Professor.

Buyavykh Anatoliy Gennadievich, M. D., Professor.

Chibiryeva Elena Markovna, Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant.

Subbotin Fidel Alexandrovich, assistant.


Secondary job employees: 

Mizin Vladimir Ivanovich, M. D., Professor.

Meshkov Vladimir Viktorovich, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor.

Dushkin Igor Fedorovich, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor.

Timoshenko Oleg Vitalyevich, Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant.

Kruglova Oksana Yuryevna, assistant.

Gusakov Pavel Borisovich, senior laboratory assistant.


Contact telephones, addresses:

Central office of the Department of Physiotherapy of the Faculty of Post-Diploma Education – room No. 28 at the Department of Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation in Yalta city policlinic

Tolyatti Str., 3, Yalta, 298600



E-mail :

Site of the department:


Address of clinical bases of the department:

Sanatorium “Miskhor”

Alupka highway, 9, Koreiz, Yalta, 298670



Sanatorium "Ukraine"

Gaspra-3, Yalta, 298600



Sanatorium “Pogranichnik”

Sevastopol highway, 4, Livadia, Yalta, 298655

Tel. (0654) 315452, (0654) 315956

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