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Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Members of department, contacts

The Head of the department is Duryagina Larisa Khamidulovna, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor. Born 23.08.1956 in Yevpatoria, Crimea Republic. In 1980 graduated from the Arkhangelsk State Medical Institute on the specialty “Dentistry”. After the completion of study, from 1980 to 1986 she worked as a dentist in district hospital on mixed patient reception . 1 class in firing proficiency and artistic gymnastics.

From 1986 to 1988 postgraduate study in clinical residency at the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry in the Crimea Medical Institute. 1988 -1991 postgraduate at the same department, and

since 1991 assistant.

In February 1992 defense of Ph. D. thesis titled: “Administration of Composition of Prolonged Action Made of Lavender Wax with SFLG in Treatment of Inflamed Pulp”.

In 1998 awarded the title “the best assistant of the year”.

Since 1998 Associate Professor of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of CSMU named after S. I. Georgievsky.

Duryagina L. Kh. regularly attends refresher courses on Pedagogics in Bogomolets Institute of Physiology (Kiev).

She completed the courses on medical psychology and psychotherapy  at the Department of Psychiatry of CSMU named after S. I. Georgievsky  (2001,2004,2005,2008,2012).

Board certified, the highest category since 1995.

Duryagina L. Kh. actively continues her research. Her scientific interests focus on the following problems: conditions of oral cavity in patients with depressive syndrome and the ways of its correction. The main achievements: development of algorithm for dental examination of patients with depressive syndrome, development of screening forms, diagnostic algorithms allowing determine the patients with somatic pathology and send them to consult appropriate specialist.   The results of examination will allow substantiate and develop differentiated complexes of medical preventive measures and forecasting the course of disease of hard tooth tissue, periodontal tissues, mucous membrane epithelium of mouth associated with somatic pathology. It will make possible to optimize the algorithm of rendering dental care and will contribute to the improvement of QOL for this category of patients.

Her work experience as a doctor is 32 years, as a member of the department staff  – 26 years, as a professor at the Crimea Sate Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky  - 22 years.

Career:   2005 - 2009 – head of teaching department at the Chair of Therapeutic Dentistry, Vice-Dean of Dentistry Faculty at CSMU; since 2009 – Head of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry at CSMU.

Author of over 70 studies and methodological works, among them there are 9 study guides (Збірникзавдань дляпідготовки до тестового екзамену зі стоматології: «Крок-2, Стоматологія». Сборник алгоритмов практических умений и навыков по терапевтической стоматологии к практически ориентированному экзамену по специальности: «Стоматология». Методические рекомендации  по организации и проведению практически – ориентированного комплексного государственного экзамена у студентов курса по дисциплине: « Терапевтическая стоматология» для преподавателей и студентов. Фармакологический справочник для врачей-стоматологов, Методические рекомендации по  проведению производственной  практики по терапевтической  стоматологии для  студентов  стоматологического  факультета.) and 2 patents for inventions.

Honours and honorary titles:

Two Diplomas of Merit from the administration and trade committee of CSMU, the Republican Committee of Trade Union Committee of the Crimea, chairman of the executive committee of Simferopol V. Yermak (2000,2001), Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea (2002), Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine (2004,2012).

Public activity: since 1998 chairman of trade union committee of Dentistry Faculty.


Department staff:

Galkina O. P.  – Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine, head of teaching department, board certified (the highest category).  

Kolesnik V. M. – Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine, board certified (the highest category).  

Degtyareva L. A.  – Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine, board certified (the highest category).  

Priyma N. V.  – assistant, Ph. D. in Medicine,  board certified (1 category).

Andrianova I. I. – assistant, board certified (the highest category).  

Bezrukova O. S. – assistant, specialist.

Dorofeyeva O. V.  – assistant, board certified (1 category).

Dubrovina-Parus T. A. – assistant, board certified (2 category).

Mikhailova T. V. – assistant, Ph. D. in Medicine, board certified (1 category).

Ostrovskiy A. V. – assistant, board certified (the highest category).  

Poleshyuk O. Yu. – assistant, board certified (2 category).

Sayenko T. S.  – assistant, specialist.

Sedykh V. P.  –assistant, board certified (2 category).

Chepurova N. I.  – assistant, board certified (the highest category).  

Feshenko I. F. – assistant, board certified (the highest category).

Lavrinovich Yuliya Yuryevna – assistant, board certified (1 category).

Sarkisyan Vladislav Vasgenovich - assistant, board certified (1 category).


Clinical bases of the department:

City Dental Polyclinic, tel. -0652- 27-66-86. Kiyevskaya Str., 66, Simferopol, Crimea.

Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky, building 7-А, 

tel. -0652- 294 -885. Lenin Boulevard, 5/7, Simferopol, Crimea.

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