The department is headed by Verbenko Viktoria Anatolyevna, M. D., Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Born on 09.08.1968 in Simferopol, Crimea. Graduated from the Crimea State Medical Institute in 1991on the specialty “General Medicine”. 1991 – 1992 – internship on the specialty “Psychiatry”.
Post-graduate education: 1194 – 1995 – Master’s course on the specialty “Psychiatry”, 1995 – 1998 – post-graduate course on Psychiatry. In 2003 postgraduate medical training on “Children Psychiatry”.
Ph. D. in Medicine since 1999. Ph. D. thesis titled “Clinical Picture of Schizophrenia with Regard to Dynamics of Brain Organization”.
Doctor of Medical Science since 8 October, 2008. Science topics of her post-doctoral thesis are the as follows: “Neurocognitive Disturbances in Schizophrenia: Pathogenesis, Clinical Picture, Therapy”. Professor Verbenko studied neurobiological, neurophsycological disturbances of brain activity in patients with schizophrenia. She revealed the differences of syndromes of psychic and neurocognitive disturbances in patients with different forms of schizophrenia with regard to the degree of involvement of cerebral hemispheres in the pathological process. She studied the causes of resistance to antipsychotic therapy. Professor described the significancy of neurocognetive disturbances in the general context of clinical manifestations of disease.
Verbenko V. A. actively continues her research. Her scientific interests focus on clinical and pathogenetic polymorphism of psychic and behavioral disturbances. Her main achievements: study of clinical and pathogenetic polymorphism of psychic disturbances in schizophrenia, affective disturbances, specifics of cognitive disturbances in depressive disturbances. Description of neurocognitive syndromes in depressive disturbances. Development of new approaches to the diagnostics and treatment of these disturbances. Complex assessment of the effectiveness of creative methods (art-therapy techniques, methods of cognitive remediation and others) in the structure of complex rehabilitation of patients with psychic and affective disturbances.
Professor Verbenko V. A. has been teaching for 13 years in the Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky.
Career: 01.09.2004 – 30.11.2008 – Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Psychotherapy with the Course of General and Medical Psychology at the Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky; 01.12.2008 - 11.01.2009 – Professor of the same department; 12.01.2009 – the Head of the Department.
Author of over 100 studies and guidelines, including 8 study guides and textbooks (“Краткий курс психиатрии. Международная классификация болезней (10th revision)”, “Психиатрия, Учебное пособие для студентов медицинских вузов”, “Психиатрическая клиника. Учебное пособие для студентов и врачей – интернов”, “Нейропсихологія”, “Деменция. (Справочник врача)”, “Психические болезни. (Краткий справочник)”, «Психотерапевтична клініка: Посібник для лікарів та інтернів», «Psychiatry. Manual for medical students») and 5 patents for inventions.
Master of sports of the USSR in swimming.
Diploma of Merit of the Council of Ministers of the Crimea (2008).
Prize and award in the nomination “Science and Technology” AR Crimea (2009).
Diploma of Merit of the Academy of Higher Education of Ukraine (2010).
Part-time activity: executive secretary of the Crimea Republican Association of Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists and Psychologists, and executive secretary of the professional edition “Taurida Magazine of Psychiatry”.
Since 2009 Professor Verbenko V. A. is the chief editor of the professional edition “Taurida Magazine of Psychiatry”.
Crimean Republican Psychiatric Hospital No. 1, tel. +38-0652- 27-32-70. Rosa Luxemburg Str., 27, Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine.
Crimean Republican Psychiatric Hospital No. 5, tel.+38-0652- 593-580. Lechebnaya Str., 2, Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine.
Department staff:
Dvirskiy Anatoliy Yemelyanovich, M. D., Professor;
Gumenyuk Lesya Nikolayevna, M. D., Associate Professor;
Ubeikon’ Andrey Andreyevich, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;
Mikhailova Elena Alexeyevna, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;
Melnikov Vladimir Alexeyevich,P h. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;
Klinkov Valeriy Nikolayevich, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;
Soiko Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;
Galidzara Yevgeniya Sergeyevna, Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant;
Nazarov Alexandr Vasilyevich, Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant;
Iliadi Irina Vladimirovna, Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant;
Yezhov Anton Vladimirovich, Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant;
Ol’shevskaya Natalia Sergeyevna, Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant;
Primysheva Elena Nikolayevna, Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant;
Malev Alexandr Leonidovich, Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant.
Dvirskiy A. A., M. D., Professor – course of Psychiatry, Psychology, Medical Psychology.
Scientific interests of the department:
Evolutionary psychiatry, genetics of psychic disorders, clinical etiology, psychotherapy.
Student scientific society.
Responsible – Yezhov Anton Vladimirovich, Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant.
Since 1992 the department publishes “Taurida Magazine of Psychiatry”, included into the rating scale of Higher Attestation Commission on the specialty “Psychiatry and Medical Psychology”.
Each year they arrange republican conferences on clinical psychiatry and psychoanalysis.
Each member of the department staff has second degree on experimental psychology.
There are 2 laboratories at the department: the laboratory of clinical research, certified by the pharmacological center of Ukraine, conducting international multicenter clinical research of psychotropic drugs; the laboratory of neurophysiology with EEG monitoring.
Contact telephones: +380 (0652) 25-53-80. Luxemburg Str., 27, Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine.