The Head of the department is Krutikov Evgeniy Sergeyevich, M. D., Professor.
In 1998 graduation from the Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky on the specialty “General Medicine”. In 1999 the defense of Master’s thesis on the specialty “Therapy”. From 1999 to 2001 post-graduate study at the Department of Internal Medicine No. 1. In 2001 the defense of Ph. D. thesis on the specialty “Internal Diseases”. From 2001 to 2006 assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2. From 2007 to 2010 Associate Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2. In 2008 the defense of post-doctoral thesis on the specialty “Internal Diseases”.
Since 2009 Pro-Rector for Humanitarian Education and Educational Work at the Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky.
From 2010 to 2012 Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2.
Since September 2012 acting Head of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine.
Author of 92 theoretical and practical studies published in specialized Ukrainian and foreign editions, 1 monograph, 6 Ukrainian patents for inventions.
Since 2005 member of the Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists.
Since 2007 member of the Ukrainian Association of Efferentologs.
Zorin Valeriy Nikolayevich – Professor, M. D.;
Kunitsa Viktor Nikolayevich – Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine;
Polskaya Lyudmila Vladimirovna – Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine;
Polishyuk Tatyana Fedorovna – Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine;
Shakhnazarov Alexandr Alexandrovich – Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine;
Tsvetkov Vladimir Alexandrovich – assistant, Ph. D. in Medicine;
Belotserkovskaya Elena Nikolayevna – assistant, Ph. D. in Medicine;
Abramova Tatyana Grigoryevna – assistant;
Chernuha Sergey Nikolayevich – assistant;
Glushko Alexandr Sergeyevich – assistant.
Clinical site – the 7th municipal clinical hospital of Simferopol.
Address: 60-Years-of-October Str., 30 Simferopol, 95024
Contact tel.: +38(0652)693839 (chair)
+38 (0652) 448369 (therapeutic department).