Coat of Arms
State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Main page | CSMU Structure | Departments | Department of Surgery No. 2 | Members of department, contacts

Members of department, contacts

The Head of the department is Ilchenko Fedor Nikolayevich, M. D., Professor, member of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery.



Department staff:

Artemov Yuriy Vasilyevich, Associate Professor;

Grivenko Sergey Gennadyevich, Associate Professor;

Filatov Alexandr Sergeyevich, Associate Professor;

Bezrukov Oleg Fillipyevich, Associate Professor;

Bugayenko Oleg Alexandrovich, assistant;

Savinov Sergey Gennadyevich, assistant;

Tomin Valeriy Anatolyevich, asssiatnt;

Ablayev Eldar Edemovich, assistant;

Kalachev Evgeniy Valeryevich, assistant;

Kruglyakov Dmitriy Fedorovich, assistant;



Contact information:

Clinical sites of the Department of Surgery No. 2 of the Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievky are the following:

Simferopol regional clinical hospital: Lugovaya Str., 73, Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine

University clinic of CSMU named after S. I. Georgievsky: Lenin Boulevard 5/7, Crimea, Ukraine.

Tel.: +38-0652 51-51-96, +38-050-169-05-97.

Site of the department:


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