The Head of the department is Novikov Nikolay Yulyevich, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor.
After graduation from the Crimea Medical Institute in 1994 he entered Ph. D. program at the Department of Pathological Anatomy headed by Professor Zagorulko А.К. In 1997 he defended his Ph. D. thesis titled “Ultra-structural Morphology of Aero-Hematic Barrier and Use of Exogenous Natural Surfactant of the Lungs in Experimental and Clinical Investigations” (supervisor – Zagorulko А.К.).
Along with his post-graduate study he worked with other co-authors on the development of preparations of natural exogenous surfactant “Sukrim” and “Suzacrin”. Novikov N. Yu. developed the technology of their laboratory and industrial production, release specifications, took part in experimental and clinical investigations of preparations “Sukrim” and “Suzakrin”.
Novikov N. Yu. regularly participates in conferences making reports, publishes his studies, is co-author of monograph “Sufactant System of Lungs”, co-author of 4 invention patents, guidelines and information letter on the administration of preparation of exogenous surfactant for the treatment of respiratory distress in newborns.
Since 1997 he works at the department as assistant, since 2001 as Assistant Professor. From 2000 to 2004 he is the Chairman of the specialized academic council in morphology. He successfully performs clinical work, gives consultation concerning specimen after biopsy or surgery, tooks actively part in the methodological workshops in pathanatomical departments and training of medical personal. In 2007 Novikov N. Yu. was awarded the Diploma of Merit of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine “for his significant contribution to the development of public health and high professionalism”. His scientific interests are focused on the study of surfactant in different pulmonary diseases.
Novikov N. Yu. goes in for sports, in particular, he took part in hiking trip to the Caucasus, Nepal. He has judicial discretion in sports tourism.
He constantly communicates with the morphologists from Poland, Israel and USA, gets in contact with the morphologists from Austria and Germany. Since August 2011 Novikov N. Yu. has been holding position of Acting Head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy with the Course of Dissection.
Currently, he is working on his post-doctoral thesis devoted to the morphological changes in the lungs in respiratory distress syndrome.

Department staff:
Birkun Alexey Alexeevich – M. D., Professor: biopsy-sectional course- the 5th year of study, Pathological Anatomy – the 2th and 3th years of study;
Nesterov Evgeniy Nikanorovich – Ph. D. in Medicine, Professor: biopsy-sectional course - the 5th year of study, Pathological Anatomy – the 2th and 3th years of study;
Nechiporenko Galina Vladimirovna, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor: biopsy-sectional course- the 5th year of study, Pathological Anatomy – the 2th and 3th years of study, in English;
Filonenko Tatyana Grigoryevna – Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor biopsy-sectional course- the 5th year of study, Pathological Anatomy – the 2th and 3th years of study, in English;
Novikov N. Yu. – Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor: biopsy-sectional course- the 5th year of study, Pathological Anatomy – the 2th and 3th years of study, in English;
Shalanin Valeriy Viktorovich – Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor: Pathological Anatomy – the 3rd year of study;
Davydova Alexandra Alexandrovna – Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant: Pathological Anatomy – the 3rd year of study, in English;
Golubinskaya Elena Petrovna – Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant: Pathological Anatomy – the 3rd year of study, in English;
Motsar’ Margarita Alexeevna - assistant, post-graduate student;
Kuzmin Maxim Nikolayevich - assistant, resident physician;
Kayurova Lubov’ Ivanovna – laboratory assistant;
Nesterenko Olga Vasilyevna – laboratory assistant.
- the 6th city hospital of Simferopol – +38(0652)22-23-13
- the Republican Clinical Hospital named after Semashko – +38(0652)24-75-00
- the Republican Children Clinical Hospital – +38(0652)27-67-76