Coat of Arms
State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Members of department, contacts

Zavadskiy Alexandr Vasilyevich is the Head of the department, Professor, M. D. In 1970 he graduated from the Crimea Medical Institute. Internship in Otolaryngology, the highest category in Otolaryngology. In 1986 he started working at the Department of Otolaryngology in the Crimea Medical Institute as assistant, then Assistant Professor and Professor. Since September 1, 2011he  is the Head of the Department of Otolaryngology. Author of 105 studies, 7 study guides, 1 of them is classified by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 1 invention. His studies are devoted to the problems of acute and chronic purulent otitis media and nasal polyposis.


Department staff:

Professor, M. D. Zavadskiy Nikolay Vasilyevich;

Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine Bogdanov Vasiliy Vladimirovich

Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine Zavaliy Marianna Anatolyevna;

Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine Balabantsev Anatoliy Grigoryevich;

Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine Zolotareva Marina Anatolyevna.

Assistant, Ph. D. in Medicine Bondarenko Alla Alexeevna;

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