Head of Department - Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Pascenco Sergey

Department staff:
Professor Efetov Vladimir Mikhailovich
Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine Oleksenko Viktor Valentinovich
assistant, Ph. D. in Medicine Protsenko Alexandr Viktorovich
assistant, Ph. D. in Medicine Tel’kieva Galina Nikolaevna (the head of teaching department)
assistant, Ph. D. in Medicine Efetova Tatyana Sergeevna
assistant Platonova I. N.
assistant, Ph. D. in Medicine Seferov B. D.
assistant, Ph. D. in Medicine Al-Nsour Jamal.
At the department Clinical Oncology is taught for 5- and 6-year students of all the departments.
Teaching in English is delivered by assistants Protsenko A. V., Efetova T. S., Oleksenko V. V., assistant Seferov B. D. (Ph. D. in Medicine), assistant Al-Nsour Jamal (Ph. D. in Medicine).
Contact information:
The department is situated in the Crimean Republican Oncology Dispensary, 49а Bespalova Str., tel.: +38(0652)63-89-78.