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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Members of department, contacts

Yevstafyeva Elena Vladimirovna holds the position of the head of the Department of Normal Physiology , Department of Environmental Risks in the Central Scientific Research Laboratory of the Crimea State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky since 2000, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Biological Sciences of Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Crimean Academy of Sciences; member of expert group on the problem “Environment and Health” by the World Health Organization and European Convention on  Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution; member of the Collegium of the Republican Committee on Ecology and Environmental Resources; awarded silver medals of VDNKh and All-Russian Exhibition Center, lapel pin “For Scientific Achievements” in the field of human ecology; has a certificate of the participant of the world forum “Children Health and Environment” (Washington, 8-11 September, 2001);  chairman of the social medico-ecological center “ECOM”.  In 1987 Yevstafyeva E. V. started working at the Crimea Medical University as an assistant, and then she became assistant professor, professor and the head the department. In 1985 she defended her Ph. D. thesis at the Institute of Physiology named after I. P. Pavlov (St. Petersburg), and in 1996 the doctoral one at the Medical Faculty at the Peoples’ Friendship University (Moscow). In 1990 scientific research on the program of ecological and biospheric researches of the Academy of Sciences of USSR were started under Yevstafyeva’s guidance. They were continued by the formation of original modern school for ecological physiology and medicine.

Yevstafyeva E. V. is an author of over 150 scientific works and 3 monographs, co-author of a number of state programs of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Regional Program on the Realization of the National Plan of Actions in the Field of Environmental Hygiene, Conceptions of Resort, Recreation and Tourism Development of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, geographic atlas “Health of Population of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea”) and of 3 analytic reviews of the World Health Organization on the issues of ecological physiology and medicine, ecological normalization, medical geography. On the basis of her long-term research Elena Vladimirovna has developed new approaches, which are now being implemented, to the quantitative evaluation of impact of anthropogenic environment on the population health, priority anthropogenic factors on ecosystems and functional systems of human body. Under her supervision 7 doctoral theses have been defended and other 3 doctoral and 6 postdoctoral theses are being written now. Within 14 years she regularly represents Ukrainian specialists at the European expert conferences and international forums. Her international activity reinforces University image in Ukraine as well as abroad.



Department staff:

Pavlenko Vladimir Borisovich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor;

Volchenko Alexandr Pavlovich, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;

Maltseva Olga Borisovna, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;

Zinchenko Svetlana Arturovna, Ph. D. in Biology, Associate Professor;

Moskovchuk Olga Borisovna, Ph. D. in Biology, Associate Professor;

Slusarenko Alexandra Eugenyevna, Ph. D. in Biology, Associate Professor;

Verko Natalya Petrovna, Ph. D. in Biology, Associate Professor;

Zalata Olga Alexandrovna, Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor;

Tymchenko Svetlana Leonidovna, Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant;

Negerish Andrey Valentinovich, assistant;

Tribrat Alexandr Georgievich, Ph. D, in Biology, assistant;

Baraban Yulia Alexeevna, assistant;

Eisman Eugenia Vladimirovna, Ph. D. in Biology, assistant;

Nasenko Galina Nikolaevna, assistant;

Ovcharenko Nadezhda Sergeevna, senior laboratory assistant;

Martynyuk Alena Olegovna laboratory assistant;

Luchnikova Olga Vyacheslavovna, senior laboratory assistant.


Contact information: address: 95006, Simferopol, 5/7 Lenin Avenue

Tel.: +38(80652)55-48-43; +38(80652)55-48-50

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