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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Main page | CSMU Structure | Departments | Department of Nervous Diseases with the course of neurology | Members of department, contacts

Members of department, contacts

The department is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Korsunskaya Larisa Leonidovna.

In 1984 she graduated from the Crimea Medical Institute named after S. I. Georgievsky, in 1985 completed internship in Neurology on the basis of CMI. In 1985 she worked as neurologist in the municipal policlinic No. 3. From 1992 to 1994 she was studying at clinical ordinature at the Department of Nervous Diseases with the course of neurology at the Faculty of Post-Diploma Education of CSMU named after S. I. Georgievsky. From 1994 she has been working at this department.  In 1999 Korsunskaya L. L. defended her Ph. D. thesis, in 2007 the doctoral one. From 2008 Korsunskaya L. L. has been professor of the department. From 2011 she has become the head of the Department of Nervous Diseases with the course of neurology at the Faculty of Post-Diploma Education and the dean of the Second Medical Faculty of CSMU named after S. I. Georgiesky.



Department staff:

  • Professor of the department –Kushnir Grigory Matveevich, D.M., Honoured Doctor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
  • Associate Professor of the department – Savchuk Elena Alexandrovna, Ph. D. in Medicine, teaches Neurological Diseases in English.
  • Associate Professor of the department – Tkach Vladislav Vladislavovich, Ph. D. in Medicine, teaches Neurological Diseases in English.
  • Assistant of the Department – Samokhvalova Viktoria Viktorovna, Ph. D. in Medicine, teaches Neurological Diseases in English.
  • Assistant of the department – Miklayev Alexey Alexandrovich, Ph. D. in Medicine, teaches Neurological Diseases in English.
  • Assistant of the department - Klopotiy Elena Valeryevna, Ph. D. in Medicine, teaches Neurological Diseases in English, the head of teaching department.
  • Assistant of the department – Ioshina Natalya Nikolayevna.


Contact information:

-Simferopol, 69 Kievskaya Str., CRI “Clinical Hospital named after N. A. Semashko”, Neurology Department,

tel. +38(0652)247-590

- Simferopol, 60-Years of October Str., municipal hospital No.7, Neuro-Vascular Department,

tel. +38(0652)44-08-42

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