The head of the department is Babanin Andrey Andreevich (born 1942) – Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor, one of the leading anaesthesiologist of the Crimea. He graduated from the Crimea Medical Institute in 1970. From 1970 to 1972 he was working as an emergency doctor. From 1978 to 1985 after residency training in Anaesthesiology in Kharkov Medical Refresher Institute by Professor V.A. Arkatov Babanin A. A. was working as anaesthesiologist of Simferopol emergency hospital No.6. In 1978 Babanin A. A. completed part-time post-graduate courses in Human Anatomy and in 1979 he defended his Ph. D. thesis. In January 1986 the second after Moscow Department of Emergency Conditions and Anesthesiology was organized at the Doctor Refresher Faculty of the Crimea Medical Institute, which was headed by Yu. P. Svigurnenko until 1997 and А.А. Babanin worked as an assistant of this department when it was organized. Then he became an Assistant Professor of this department, and from 1998 he has been heading this department. His academic interest is connected with the use of exogenous surfactants in syndrome of acute lung injury as well as with optimization of anaesthetic support for the prevention of syndrome of multiple organ failures. Author of over 70 scientific works and 7 guidelines. Honoured Doctor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Ukraine. Awarded with the letters of commendation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine. From 2011 Babanin A. A. has been heading the Center of Anesthesiology in the CRI “TMA University Clinic”.

Department staff:
Kharchenko Dmitry Mikhailovich – Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine (“Detoxication of Enteral Sorbtion and Enteral Feeding in Peritonitis in Children”), Board Certified in Anesthesiology, department member from 1989.
Potapov Alexandr Leonidovich – Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine (“Surfactant System of Lungs and Correction of Their Disorders with the Preparation of Natural Surfactant “Sukrim” in Patients with the Syndrome of Acute Lung Injury”), Board Certified in Anesthesiology, department member from 1999;
Glotov Maxim Alexandrovich – Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Medicine (“Influence of AVL in Abdominal Operations on Surfactant System and Correction of Its Disorders”) Board Certified in Anesthesiology, department member from 2000;
Govdaluk Alexandr Leonidovich - assistant, Ph. D. in Medicine (“Risk Factors for the Development of Destruction and Chronization of Pneumonia in Children”, Board Certified in Pediatric Anesthesiology, department member from 2001;
Pylaeva Natalya Yuryevna – assistant, Ph. D. in Medicine (“Proteolysis Inhibitors, Antioxidants and Surfactant in the Correction of Lung Injury in Tourniquet Shock”), Board Certified in Anesthesiology (second category), department member from 2003;
Melnichenko Pavel Vladimirovich - assistant, Ph. D. in Medicine (“Severe Craniocerebral Trauma with the Changes in the Surfactant System of Lungs and the Ways of Their Correction”) Board Certified in Anesthesiology, department member 1999;
Andronik Yuri Anatolyevich - assistant, Board Certified in Anesthesiology, department member from 1999;
Pylaev Anatoly Viktorovich - assistant, Ph. D. in Medicine (“Correction of Surfactant System of Lungs in Thermoinhalation Injury”), Board Certified in Anesthesiology, department member from 2002;
Rodin Evgeny Georgievich - assistant, Board Certified in Anesthesiology, department member from 1988;
Samarin Sergey Alexandrovich - assistant, anesthesiologist, department member from 2008;
Birkun Alexey Alexeevich - assistant, anesthesiologist, department member from 2011
Contact information:
The main clinical site of the department is the CRI “Clinical Hospital named after N. A. Semashko”, 69 Kievskaya Str., tel. +38(0652)373-593, +38(0652)373-581.
Additional clinical sites:
1. ICU of Simferopol clinical emergency hospital No. 6, tel.+38(0652)22-13-60.
2. ICU of clinical hospital No. 7, tel. +38(0652)49-75-34.
3. ICU of the Crimean republican children clinical hospital, tel.+38(0652)51-51-03.