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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Main page | CSMU Structure | Departments | Department of General Surgery | Members of department, contacts

Members of department, contacts

The head of the department is Shestopalov Dmitry Viktorovich, Ph. D. in medicine, Associate Professor.


Department staff:
Shestopalov Dmitry Viktorovich – Associate Professor, Ph. D. in medicine, responsible for the clinical work of the department.
Drevetnyak Andrey Anatolyevich – Associate Professor, Ph. D. in medicine, accountable for assets.
Tatarchuk Pavel Alexeevich – assistant, Ph. D. in medicine.
Gavrilenko Sergey Pavlovich - assistant, Ph. D. in medicine, workplace representative.
Reznichenko Andrey Mikhailovich - assistant, Ph. D. in medicine, responsible for the scientific work of the department.
Astapenko Sergey Vasilyevich – assistant.
Trofimov Petr Sergeevich – senior laboratory assistant.
Kurakursakov Nariman Eskanderovich – postgraduate student of the department.
Voronkov Denis Evgenyevich – postgraduate student of the department.


Addresses of clinical sites of the department:

Simferopol, 30, 60 years of October Str., Municipal Clinical Hospital № 7.

Tel. of the department chair: +38 (0652)691-347

Tel. of surgical department: +38 (0652)44-01-24

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