Coat of Arms
State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Main page | CSMU Structure | Departments | Department of Children Dentistry | Members of department, contacts

Members of department, contacts

The head of the Department of Children Dentistry is Kolesnik K. A., Associate Professor, Ph.D. in medicine.
Chairman of the Crimean regional branch of the Ukrainian Dental Hygienists Association, member of the Ukrainian Dental Association, member of the Association of Ukrainian Orthodontists, member of the Ukrainian Association of Pediatric Dentistry. The first category orthodontist.
Non-staff worker of SI “Institute of Dentistry of AMS of Ukraine”, responsible investigator of the theme of cooperative research “Prevention and Treatment of Common Dental Diseases in Children with Endocrine Pathology”.
Author of 47 publications, 9 manuals and methodical recommendations, 4 patents for invention, 5 innovation proposals. Participant of 49 research and practice conferences.
Honoured with the letters of commendation from the ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, the mayor’s commendation.
Kolesnik K. A. has been working on her doctoral thesis on the theme “Specifics of Orthodontic Treatment of Children with Endocrine Diseases”.


Contact information:

The clinical sites include municipal dental policlinics, pediatric ambulatory department at the University. There are surgical direction at the Department of Children Dentistry and maxillofacial service in the Republic Children Clinical Hospital that has the in-patent department too.

  1. Simferopol, Municipal Dental Policlinic, 66 Kievskaya Str., tel. +38(0652)27-66-86.
  2. Simferopol, CSMU, 5/7 Lenin Avenue, tel. +38(0652) 554-885
  3. Simferopol, the Republican Children Clinical Hospital, 77 Titova Str.

Department staff:

  1. Kolesnik Kamila Alexandrovna, the head of the department, Associate Professor.
  2. Kaladze Natalya Nikolayevna, staff head, Ph. D. in medicine, assistant.
  3. Raida Antonina Ivanovna, Associate Professor.
  4. Kudinov Vyacheslav Alexandrovich, Associate Professor.
  5. Zhirova Viktoria Grigoryevna, Associate Professor.
  6. Sheremeta Elena Alexandrovna, Associate Professor.
  7. Pushkova Tatyana Nikolayevna, Ph. D. in medicine, assistant.
  8. Babushkina Natalya Sergeevna, Ph. D. in medicine, assistant.
  9. Bezrukov Grigory Sergeevich, Ph. D., assistant.
  10. Zherdeva Galina Valentinovna, assistant.
  11. Krasnova Elena Alexeevna, assistant.
  12. Nassonov Alexandr Yuryevich, assistant.
  13. Dovbnya Zhanna Alexandrovna , assistant.
  14. Vychalkovskaya Natalya Andreevna, assistant.
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