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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Members of department, contacts

Head of the Department

Pikalyuk Vasily Stepanovich is the head of the department of normal human anatomy, Professor, the author of more than 470 scientific publications including 8 patents, 5 monographs, 7 textbooks, 2 dictionaries, 40 manuals and practical guides. Under his supervision 3 doctoral and 13 candidate’s theses have been defended.



List of the Department Staff:

Zadnipryany Igor Vladimirovich, M.D., Professor;

Novoselskaya Natalia Alexandrovna, Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor;

Kirsanova Natalia Vasilievna, Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor;

Shkurenko Victor Pavlovich, Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor;

Zaichenko Alexander Ivanovich, Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor;

Moroz Gennady Alexandrovich, Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor;

Kutya Sergey Anatolievich, Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor;

Verchenko Igor Anatolievich, Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor

Sverbilova Tatyana Leonidovna, senior lecturer;

Yarovaya Olga Yakovlevna, senior lecturer;

Bessalova Yevgeniya Yurievna, Candidate of medical sciences, assistant;

Yegorov Georgy Nickolayevich, assistant;

Shimkus Tatyana Sergeyevna, Candidate of medical sciences, assistant;

Kriventsov Maxim Andreyevich, Candidate of medical sciences, assistant;

Plekhanova Christina Alexandrovna, assistant.

Shaimardanova Liliya Rustemovna, Candidate of medical sciences, assistant;

Absettarova Aliye Ibragimovna, assistant

Kiselyov Victor Vladimirovich, postgraduate student;

Gafarova Elvina Ablyazisovna, postgraduate student;


Contact Information:

The address of the department is 27А, Rosa Lyuksemburg str., Tel.: +38(0652)27-89-96, 27-37-85.

Site of the department is

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