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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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History of depertment

The beginning of higher medical education in Crimea happened in 1918, when the Tavricheskiy university was organized and which was closed in 1925. However there is no information about work of department of otorhinolaryngology in this period on a medical faculty. 

On 8-th of August 1930, on the base of the former Tavricheskogo university the Crimean state medical institute was created. ENT-department was organized on the base of  the hospital ENT-division for 20 patients in Region hospital N.A. Semashko in 1935 in the process of successive creation of clinical departments. The state of this firstly formed ENT-department consisted of one practical doctor - otolaryngologist KUZNETSOV ZOSIM GAVRILOVICH.

In 1935 a department was led by a professor MIKHAYLOVSKIY SERGEY VASILIEVICH. There were 2 experienced assistants in the department’s staff in this period:  Gumenyuk Y.I. and Alkhazyan H.T. In 1940 - 1941 the head of the department was professor  POTAPOV  ALEXANDER ALEKSANDROVICH.

The staff of department played a great role in the defeat of the fascist Germany. Associate professor Yakov Ilich Gumenyuk managed the large specialized divisions in the Red Army. Professor Potapov A.A., standing in occupied Simferopol, worked in an underground patriotic group and in 1944 was grasped to Gestapo and shot up. There are evidences about his brave behavior in the torture-chambers of Gestapo.

In 1942 during evacuation of medical institute a department was led by the professor of REYNUS ABRAHAM MIKHAJLOVICH. The Crimean medical institute returned in Simferopol after releasing of Crimea from fascists and on the first of September 1944 an educational process was begun.

The department of otolaryngology took place in the Regional clinical hospital, there were 2 assistants on the staff of department. Scientific and researching work in a clinic was conducting together with an educational process. New specialists were training in clinical ordinatorshipand and postgraduate studies, the newest methods of conservative and operative treatment of patients were embedded in a medical process.

In 1971the chief of the department was professor ZAVADSKIY NIKOLAY VASILIEVICH. He managed
the department till the retirement.

Vice-chief of the department from 1964 to 2004 was ZUEV LEV ALEKSEEVICH. He finished postgraduate studies at the department of medical faculty of the Second Moscow medical institute.

Associate professor BALABANTSEV ANATOLIY GRIGORIEVICH headed the department in 1993.

For these years a basic theme of scientific researches of department were problems of pathogenesis and treatment of chronic purulent inflammation of middle ear, etiology of ear’s cholesteatoma,  the problem of recurrence of otitis in early child's age, role of allergy in the development of the pathological conditions of ENT- organs, pathogenesis  and treatment of allergic rhinosinusitis, rhinogenic  orbital complications, treatment of  ENT - organs in the conditions of the Crimean resorts.

Due to Bolognese process, in September, 2005, the association of departments of otorhinolaryngology and ophthalmology happened. In 2006 professor of ophthalmology IVANOVA N.V headed the department.

The staff of the department actively participates in the annual conferences and conventions of otolaryngologists of Ukraine. Works of the staff of the department are printed in foreign and domestic journals, summaries, monographs.

From the first of September 2011 the abovementioned departments were separated again. The department of otolaryngology was led by the professor ZAVADSKIY ALEXANDER VASILIEVICH.

A large work was done during the existence of the department. The staff of the departments made obvious contribution to the study of actual problems of otorhinolaryngology.

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