1. KD is composed of : a) connective tissue capsule, b) CORTEX, c) MEDULLA (in centre).
Cortex is composed of NEPHRONS - it are structural and functional
units of KD.
NEPHRON is composed of: 1) renal corpuscle, 2) system of tubules. Renal corpuscle is composed of: a) glomerulus, b) Bowmans capsule.
Glomerulus is composed of 40
fenestrated capillaries.
capsule is composed of : parietal layer, .
visceral layer, urinary space between 2 layers.
Visceral layer is composed of PODOCYTES.
Podocyte- is irregular-shaped
epithelial cell with
long primary
process, which branches on short
pedicels (secondary processes).
basal lamina locates between fenestrated capillary and podocytes and contains lamina densa. Lamina densa is composed of mashwork from collagen fibrills. Diameter of openings =4 nm.
Filtration barrier is composed of: 1) fenestrated endothelial cell of glomerulus, 2) tri-layered basal lamina, 3) filtration SLITS between pedicels of PODOCYTE.
1st phase of urine production – is
ultrafiltration. It happens from glomerular capillaries
through filtration barrier into urinary space. 5 substancies are filtered and pass to proximal and distal tubules. That are:1) 150 liters of H2O per day, 2) LOW molecular blood proteins and amino acids, 3)glucose, 4) Na+ ions, 5) urea. This mixture is PRIMARY urine. In proximal and distal nephron tubules primary urine undergoes to
2nd phase of urine production – it is
reabsorption (RA).. It happens from lumen of tubules through
epithelial cell into
secondary peritubular capillaries. Wall of
proximal tubules is composed of simple cuboidal epith. 1cell has abundance of
4 organells, that fulfil
RA :1) apical
microvilli (for RA of glucose), 2) basal
folds (for RA of H2O), 3)
mitochondria -for RA of Na ions, 4)
lysosomes/pinocytotic vesicles (for RA of proteins). After proximal tubules proteins and glucose disappear
completely. Wall of
distal tubules is composed of simple cuboidal epith. 1cell has abundance of
ONLY 2 organells, that fulfil
RA : 1) basal
folds (RA of H2O), 2)
mitochondria ( RA of Na ions).
Wall of
collecting tubule is composed of simple columnar/cuboidal epith. Cells are classified on:
1) Principal (pale) cell . Funct.: a) after
ADH stimulation it reabsorbs
H2O, b) secrets
prostaglandins in blood. 2) Intercalated cells. A lot of mitochondria. Funct.:Secretion of
H+ ions into urine. It is
3rd phase of urine production —
secretory phase.
After collecting tubules fluid becomes
secondary urine. It contains only
3 subst.(after filtration of
5 subst.): a) H2O (1.5-2.0 L/day), b) toxic UREA, c) Na+ ions. It is released from the body.
RENIN apparatus: 1) JUXTAGLOMERULAR cells. It are :a) locate in tunica
media of
afferent arteriole, b) tissue type-are modified smooth
muscle cells with secretory
granules, c) Funct.:
secretion of enzyme
RENIN in blood, 2) MACULA DENSA cells. It are: a) locate in wall of
distal tubules, b) tissue type-is TALL, NARROW COLUMNAR
epithelial cells, nuclei are
near to each other, c) basement membrane is
absent, d) Funct.: it are
Na+ receptors.
Wall is composed of 4 TUNICS: 1)
folded T. MUCOSA, 2) T. SUBMUCOSA (L.I.C.T.), 3) MUSCULARIS externa, 4) T.adventitia(L.I.C.T). T. mucosa is composed of: a)
TRANSITIONAL epith., b) lamina propria (L.I.C.T). Muscularis externa (
smooth muscle tiss.) has a) in UPPER one half
2 layers (inner –longitud., outer –circular), b) in LOWER one half
3 layers (outer and inner -are longitud., middle- circular).
Wall is composed of 4 TUNICS: 1)
folded (excepting trigone) T. MUCOSA, 2) T. SUBMUCOSA (L.I.C.T.), 3) MUSCULARIS externa, 4) T.adventitia(L.I.C.T). T. mucosa is composed of: a)
TRANSITIONAL epith., b) lamina propria (L.I.C.T ). Muscularis externa (
smooth muscle tiss.) has
3 layers (outer and inner -are longitud., middle- circular). Pecularities of
trigone: a) T.mucosa is smooth,
NOT folded, b) T. submucosa is
Составитель – доцент В.В. Бондаренко.