Blood is composed of: 1)formed elements and 2) plasma
Formed elements include 3 types:
Erythrocytes (red blood cells=RBCs), 2)
Leukocytes, 3)
Platelets (or thrombocytes).
Erythrocyte is not cell, because nucleus is absent. It has biconcave shape and is composed of: a) plasma membrane and b) cytoplasm. Cytoplasm filled by protein HEMOGLOBIN (Hb). Funct.:it transports O2 and CO2 ( respiratory function).
All leukocytes contain 1 nucleus. Classification:
If cytoplasm contains
specific (or secondary)
granules and nucleus is
multilobed – it is groop of GRANULOCYTES. If cytoplasm does
NOT contain specific granules – it is groop of
Granulocytes include
3 types. a) If granules in cytoplasm are
blue coloured – it are
b) If granules in cytoplasm are
pink coloured - it are
c) If granules in cytoplasm are
pink-violett coloured - it are
Basophils in granules contain HEPARIN and HISTAMINE. Funct.:it: a)
prevent blood coagulation, b)
increase allergic reactions and inflammation.
Eosinophils in granules contain enzyme HISTAMIN
Funct.: it: a)
reduce allergic reactions, b) kill
parasitic worms.
Neutrophils. in granules contain bactericidic enzyme LYSOZYME. Funct.of neutrophils:
phagocytosis of bacteria and its killing.
Agranulocytes include
2 types: a) if nucleus is ROUND-shaped and cytoplasm reveals thin rim – it are
LYMPHOCYTES. b) If nucleus is BEAN- shaped – it are
Lymphocytes include
2 types: a)
T - lymphocytes and b)
T-lymphocytes include
2 types:
a) T-HELPER cells and b) T-KILLER cells (or T-CYTOTOXIC).
Funct. of
T-killer cells (or T-CYTOTOXIC): - it
eliminate 3 targets: 1)
cancer cells, 2)
virus-infected cells, 3)
transplanted organ (or graft).
Funct. of
B-lymphocytes: it
differentiate into PLASMA cells. Funct. of
plasma cells: it secrete 5 classes of IMMUNOGLOBULINS (IGs, or ANTIBODIES).
Funct. of
monocytes: it exit from vessels into loose irregular connective tissue and
differentiate into tissue
PLATELETS (or thrombocytes).
Platelets are not cells, because nucleus is
absent. Cytoplasm is composed of
2 zones:a) central part is GRANULOMERE, b) periphery is HYALOMERE. Granulomere is composed of alpha – and delta
granules. Granules contain thromboplastin and ADP. Funct.: after rupture of vessel platelets
initiate blood coagulation and
STOP bleeding.
Куратор темы – доцент В.В. Бондаренко.