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Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Main page | CSMU Structure | Departments | Department of Foreign Languages with the Course of Latin | Members of department, contacts

Members of department, contacts

A Head of Foreign Language Department – Yagenich Larisa Viktorovna, PhD in Methodology, Associated Professor. The dissertation was defended in 2007 (specialization 13.00.02 –  Theory and Methodology of  Foreign Language Teaching) in Kiev National Linguistic University. The Diploma of Associated Professor was obtained in 2011. There are 36 scientific works and 6 course books. The department has been headed since 1 September 2011. A chief of department is  a head of commission and a manager of a special course for other department lectures in the university.

Contact Information

The address of the department is 5/7, Lenin blvd., building 2, floor 3; telephones: +38(0652)294-937 (head of the department); +30(0652)294-830 (the assistant and the lecturer’s room).

List of the Department Staff:

Kochergina Lyudmila, senior lecturer, head of the English section (English to the 1st and 2nd years of all the faculties; the English course to the University staff);

Printseva Nina, senior lecturer, head of the Latin section (Latin to the 1st year; French to the 1st and 2nd years of all the faculties);

Perekhod Irina, senior lecturer (English to the 1st and 2nd years of all the faculties);

Sakhno Yekaterina, senior lecturer (English to the 1st and 2nd years of all the faculties)

Akulova Yelena, senior lecturer (English and German to the 1st and 2nd years of all the faculties; Latin to the 1st year of all the faculties);

Vazinovskaya Irina, lecturer (English to the 1st and 2nd years of all the faculties);

Mironenko Galina, lecturer (English to the 1st and 2nd years of all the faculties; the English course to the University staff)

Skalskaya Veronika, lecturer (English to the 1st and 2nd years of all the faculties; the English course to the University staff)

Siritsa Yekaterina, lecturer (English and French to the 1st and 2nd years of all the faculties)

Sheremet Darya, lecturer (English and German to the 1st and 2nd years of all the faculties)

Mazinov Akhtem, candidate of philological sciences (Latin to the 1st year);

Makeyeva Alla, senior lecturer (Latin to the 1st year; the Latin language in English to foreigners);

Osokina Natalya, lecturer (Latin to the 1st year; the Latin language in English to foreigners).

Yefimenko Tatyana, senior lecturer (Latin to the 1st year; the Latin language in English to foreigners).

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