The Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases is headed by Pritulo Olga Alexandrovna, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, the Honoured Doctor of Ukraine and the Crimea.
Born in Uralo-Caucasus village, Krasnodonsky region, Voroshilovograd district, in a family of doctors. In 1973 successfully completed secondary school No. 11 of Uralo-Caucasus village. In 1974 entered the Donetsk Medical Institute. In 1978 transferred to the Voroshilovograd Medical Institute. From1981 to 1982, after having completed her study at the Voroshilovograd Medical Institute, was undergoing internship on skin and venereal diseases in the Voroshilovograd District Skin and Venereal Diseases Dispensary.
Practice as dermatovenerologist started in 1982 in the Krasnodonsky Skind and Venereal Diseases Dispensary. From 1986 to 1988 study in clinical residency at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Crimea State Medical University. From 1988 to 1991 full-time postgraduate study. In 1991 successfully defended her Ph. D. thesis in the Moscow Padiatric Research Institute of Order of Lenin and Labour Red Flag. Since 01.10.91 worked as assistant of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases at the Crimea Medical Institute, since 01.09.97 as Assistant Professor, from 04.05.00 up to the present time is the head of the Department o Skin and Venereal Diseases at the Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky.
12.05.04 successfully defended her post-doctoral thesis and 16.12.04 was awarded the honorary title of Professor.
From 29.03.05 up to the present time Pritulo Olga Alexandrovna works as the first Vice-Rector of the Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky. Since 2007 the Academician of the Academy of Higher Education of Ukraine. In 2009 awarded the title of Honorary Doctor of Ukraine.
Pritulo O. A. is a worthy follower of famous scientist Professor Kolyadenko V. G. For the time of her work as the Head of the department she created her dermatology research school and supervised 9 Ph. D. theses. Her scientific interests concentrate on pathogenetic aspects, diagnostics and treatment of different dermatoses, urogenital infections and syphilis. Author of 162 studies, 9 monographs, 8 patents and 9 guidelines.
Department staff:
Prohorov Dmitry Valeryevich – Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor, head of teaching department.
Vintserskaya Galina Arnoldovna – Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor.
Ngema Maria Vladimirovna – Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor.
Kaud Dia – Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor.
Ispiryan Mihail Borisovich – Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant.
Marvan Yakin Nazhi Maraka - Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant.
Zhumykina Oksana Ivanovna – Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant.
Borisova Elena Borisovna - Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant.
Ravlyuk Darya Alexandrovna – Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant.
Nikolashin Gennady Vladimirovich - assistant.
Babanin Vladimir Anatolyevich - assistant.
Smolienko Vladimir Nikolayevich - assistant.
Kuznetsova Marina Yuryevna – senior laboratory assistant.
Volozhanina Varvara Nikolayevna – laboratory assistant.
Professors teaching in English:
Vintserskaya Galina Arnoldovna – Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor.
Ngema Maria Vladimirovna – Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor.
Prohorov Dmitry Valeryevich – Ph.D. in Medicine, Associate Professor.
Kaud Dia - Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor.
Zhumykina Oksana Ivanovna - Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant.
Marvan Yakin Nazhi Maraka - Ph. D. in Medicine, assistant.
R. Luxemburg Str., 25, Simferopol, Crimea, tel: +38(0652)54-59-05.
Crimean republican clinical dermatovenerologic dispensary.
R. Luxemburg Str., 24, Simferopol, tel: +38(0652)27-25-14.