SPLEEN (and lymph node) is PERIPHERAL hemopoietic organ, because it fulfils function of antigen DEPENDENT proliferation and differentiation of B-lymphocytes in B-zones and antigen DEPENDENT proliferation and differentiation of T-lymphocytes in T-zones.
Strucrure. Connective tissue capsule, connective tissue septa (or trabecula) extend from capsule. Both contain smooth muscle cells and are able to contract. Space between trabeculas is composed of: A) Stroma and B) parenchyma.
Stroma is reticular tissue. It forms 3D-mashwork. Inside loops of this mashwork two types of blood formed elements locate :lymphocytes and RBCs. These formed elements is parenchyma.
Parenchyma presented by 2 components A) RED PULP and B) WHITE PULP.
White pulp – is aggregations of T- and B- lymphocytes. It means- parenchyma of white pulp is lymphoid tissue.
White pulp morphologically is composed of 2 components: A) lymphoid (or lymphatic) nodules and B) PALS – periarterial lymphatic sheath.
Lymphoid nodule is round aggregation of B- lymphocytes. Functionally nodule is B-zone. Function of nodule, as B-zone, is - antigenDEPENDENT proliferation and differentiation of B-lymphocytes. It result is - formation of plasma cells from naïve B-lymphocyte. Plasma cells secrete 5 classes of immunoglobulins (Igs, antibodies).
Lymphoid nodules of spleen against nodules of lymph node, distribute in spleen throughout the organ (diffuse distribution). Each nodule has CENTRAL ARTERY.
PALS is aggregation of T- lymphocytes. Functionally PALS is T-zone. Function of it, as T-zone, is - antigenDEPENDENT proliferation and differentiation of T-lymphocytes.
Red pulp is 2 components: A) aggregation of erythrocytes and macrophages in loops of reticular tissue, outside of capillary lumen, directly in stroma. It is splenic cords, or Bilroth cords. Function- macrophages eliminate old RBCs. B) aggregation of erythrocytes inside lumen of sinusoidal capillary. Function- is blood storage.
Structure. Connective tissue capsule, connective tissue septa (or trabecula) extend from capsule. Space between trabeculas is composed of: A) Stroma and B) parenchyma.
Stroma is reticular tissue. It forms 3D-mashwork. Inside loops of this mashwork T- and B-lymphocytes locate. It means- parenchyma is lymphoid tissue.
Lymphocytes arranged into 3 layers: A) outer (or superficial) cortex, B) deep cortex, or paracortex, C) medulla.
Outer cortex is composed of lymphoid (or lymphatic) nodules. Functionally nodule is B-zone. Function of it, as B-zone, is - antigenDEPENDENT proliferation and differentiation of B-lymphocytes. It result is - formation of plasma cells from naïve B-lymphocyte.
Plasma cells secrete 5 classes of immunoglobulins.
Lymphoid nodules of lymph node against nodules of spleen, locate strictly and only in outer cortex. Each nodule has NOT CENTRAL ARTERY.
Paracortex (or deep cortex) is composed of diffuse arranged T-lymphocytes. Functionally paracortex is T-zone. It function is - antigenDEPENDENT proliferation and differentiation of T-lymphocytes.
Medulla is composed of medullary cords. Each cord is elongated aggregation of B-lymphocytes. Functionally medullary cords are B-zone. Function of it, as B-zone, is - antigenDEPENDENT proliferation and differentiation of B-lymphocytes. It result is formation of plasma cells from naïve B-lymphocyte.
Составитель – доцент В.В. Бондаренко.