Konyaeva Elena Ivanovna, assistant professor, Ph.D in medicine.
Since 1995 she has been scientific associate of State pharmacological center of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, regional representative of pharmacological inspectorate in Crimea and Sevastopol.
She is the author of 9 teaching and methodological manuals and 44 research papers.
Elena Ivanovna gives a course of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical studies of drugs for 4-5 year students of pharmacological department, for 5 year students of stomatological faculty and 6 year students of medical faculty.
In 2002 E.I. Konyaeva got honorary degree the “Honored Worker of Education of Crimea”.
In 2006 she was awarded the honorary diploma of the Council of Ministers of Crimea, the honorary diploma of State Pharmacology Center of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine. More than once E.I. Konyaeva got gratitude from administratoin of Crimea State Medical University.

Lecturers of the department:
Radzivil Pavel Nikolaevich - assistant professor, Ph.D in medicine, head of the curriculum department;
Matveyev Alexander Vasilevich – assistant professor, Ph.D in medicine;
Kobets Margarita Ivanovna – assistant;
Egorova Elena Aleksandrovna – assistant;
Zaharova Anna Nikolaevna - Ph.D in medicine, assistant professor;
Pavlovskaya Elena Aleksandrovna – senior laboratory assistant;
Kulkova Elena Leonidovna - laboratory assistant.
Contact telephone: +38(0652)247-433
Main base: Crimean Republican Institution “ Clinical Hospital named after N.A. Semashko”, Simferopol, Kievskaya st., gastrotherapy department building.
Subsidiary base: Simferopol, boul. Lenina 5/7, main building CSMU, 2 floor, room 39, 66, 64, 47. Contact telephone: +38(0652)554-930.