Coat of Arms
Crimean State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky

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Medical school

Medical school was established in 1987 and since 1997 has been a structural unit of Crimea State medical university named after S. I. Georgievsky. Students from Ukraine, the CIS and foreign countries study at the school. Medical school trains specialists on base of secondary education (2 years of training, on budget and contract basis) in the following specialties:

Nursing, the qualification is a nurse;
Orthopedic stomatology, the qualification is a dental mechanic.
The contingent of students at Medical school is 320-340 persons. Every ninth graduate gets a diploma with honors. There are 36 teachers on the staff, most of them having the top category. Medical school works as a unit of educational-methodical and scientific complex of Crimea State medical university named after S. I. Georgievsky.

The high level of professional training of students is provided by qualified teachers, modern educational and material-technical base, and usage of modern achievements of prosthetic and other medical equipment.

The high level of students’ training is confirmed by victories of the students at Republican conferences and competitions.

Graduates of the department «Orthopedic stomatology» may continue training at the stomatological faculty, and those of the department «Nursing» get the degree of a bachelor at the bachelor department of the University. Graduates who have received diplomas with honors may be admitted to the bachelor department after an interview.

Students of Medical school use the library of the University, and the Internet, as almost all the computers of the University are connected with this network.

In 1993 at the school a computer class was created; in 1999 it was modernized and equipped with computers of the fifth generation.

The school created conditions not only for educational and research activity, but also for a good rest and comprehensive development of students.

Graduates of Medical school work effectively in State and private clinics of Ukraine and other countries.


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