We believed it after we talked to the vice- chief of the university clinic on treatment work O. A. Bugayenko. Oleg Alexandrovich gave us a full information about possibilities available both for the doctors and patients.
You can do the following diagnostic research:
Computer tomography;
Radiological research (including the most modern ones);
Respiratory test (to reveal helicobacter);
Electrocardiograph and others.
In the arsenal of the department of diagnostics there is even a video-capsule (with microchip), with the help of which a unique survey of gastrointestinal tract impossible for other methods can be done. It does a survey of its so- called “trip” through the whole of the gastrointestinal tract on the micro-video camera screening it on the computer display. Thus it’s naturally, that precise diagnosis can be made and the most effective treatment can be offered.
The unique laboratory in the Crimea headed by O. V. Generalov suggests the entire spectrum of laboratory examination.
Highly qualified specialists: gynecologist, phlebologist, surgeon, proctologist, mammalogist, otolaryngologist, specialist in skin and venereal diseases, immunologist, endocrinologist, surgeon-endocrinologist and reflex therapist receive patients at the polyclinic. There is equipment and specialists to do puncture biopsy (without operation). Alternative medicine doctor works there too.
Leading professors, associate professors of the university are invited for consultations in case of necessity.
Polyclinic, laboratory and diagnostic departments work on self-financing.
All necessary documents are ready to open a hospital with state budget financing.
Hospital stay and food are free of charge and have all modern conveniences.
Medications are paid only a partial price, examinations are paid full price.
There is a surgical department in the hospital, where surgery including endoscopy and small invasive surgery is possible. Hospital wards are opened there as well as beds for the patients with ENT pathology and dermatological problems.
In-patient treatment is not provided.
Patients can be received for prophylactic course, examination and rehabilitation.
More detailed information about the work of clinic and patient’s reception including university personnel can be obtained at the manager Tatyana Alexandrovna Kotlyarova, tel. 294-872, registration office, tel. 294-970.