Crimean state medical university named after S. I. Georgievsky


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The faculty of post-diploma education (FPE)

The faculty of post-diploma education is an important structural unit of the University. It has its own 23-year history and traditions. During the years of its existence about 50 thousand of doctors from different regions of Ukraine and the CIS countries improved their qualification at the faculty.

The work at the FPE is carried out in several directions.

The first one is a primary specialization of graduates from our university and other higher schools according to assignments issued by Ministry of Health of the Crimea and Ukraine.

During the primary specialization (or internship) graduates acquire a narrow specialty, receive a certificate of a doctor-specialist and the right to work independently.

Primary specialization of young doctors is carried out in 33 specialties: surgery, anesthesiology, all branches of stomatology, therapy, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, dermatology and venereology, ophthalmology, radiology, family medicine and others. Every year about 800 doctors are trained in the internship.

The second direction in the post-diploma education is advanced training of doctors at thematic and pre-attestation courses.

Thematic advanced training includes the study of new methods of diagnostics and treatment in different fields of medicine. This requires annual changing of themes of the cycles depending on the interests of practical medicine and close contacts of the FPE with health authorities.

Pre-attestation training of doctors is a system of acquiring or confirming their qualifying categories depending on their length of service and experience. Now a doctor should be attested every 5 years. Because of this, the faculty has much government work for advanced training of doctors: more than 3000 hearers every year, i.e. about 300 doctors every month.

During a year the departments of the faculty conduct 150 pre-attestation and thematic cycles.

The types of post-diploma education are constantly widening. Taking into account a rapidly developing market of medical services, the FPE suggests a number of commercial types of training: clinical ordinature and post-graduate courses for foreign citizens, commercial internship for graduates from commercial higher institutions and faculties, bachelor courses, i.e. the highest level of education for nurses.

One of the popular types of post-diploma education is secondary specialization. Today at the FPE any doctor may get a new or narrower specialty.

The faculty plans to work out new cycles of thematic advanced training and pre-attestation training for nurses and dental mechanics.

Thus, today the faculty suggests almost all types of post-diploma education, from bachelor courses to training at clinical ordinature and postgraduate courses.

It is not by chance that the faculty, which was known as a faculty of advanced training for doctors, in 1997 was renamed into the faculty of post-diploma education.

At present there are 10 departments at the faculty. They are headed by the great scientists, such as the founder and the first dean of the faculty, the head of the department of therapy and gastroenterology, Honoured Worker of public education of Ukraine, Full member of Crimea Academy of Sciences, Professor N.P. Buglak; Honoured Doctor of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine Professor V.N. Starosek; a full member of New York academy of sciences Professor N.N. Kaladze; Honoured Worker of Science and Technique of Ukraine Professor S.S. Soldatchenko; Academician of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Honorary member of Ukrainian Stomatological Academy Professor N.P. Sysoyev; a State Prize laureate in the field of science and technique of Ukraine, a laureate of the Prize of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Professor V.P. Samokhvalov; Full member of Crimea Academy of Sciences Professor N.N. Bogdanov.

There are experienced teachers and lecturers on the staff. 11 doctors of medical sciences, 10 Professors, 59 candidates of medical sciences, 23 assistant Professors are working at the faculty.

Specific character of the work at the faculty makes it necessary for teachers and Professors to work at self-improvement, to introduce modern technologies into instruction, to look for new methods of teaching.

The departments of the faculty suggest unique types and forms of instruction, which have no analogues in Ukraine. It is teaching some branches of balneology and physiotherapy, a number of stomatological methods, all kinds of training at the department of alternative medicine, which is the only department of this kind in Ukraine.

The faculty organizes out cycles in different cities of the Crimea and Ukraine.

Qualitative post-diploma education is impossible without carrying out researches. The main scientific directions of the faculty are the following: elaboration of new methods of diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, bronchopulmonary, gastroduodenal, motor pathologies, surgical diseases and traumas of the abdomen; usage of resort factors in treatment of different diseases, perfection of methods of diagnostics, therapy and rehabilitation of psychic diseases, etc.

During the last three years 3 doctoral and 15 candidate theses have been defended at the department; 9 doctoral and 11 candidate theses are being carried out now. During this period 5 monographs, 258 scientific articles and 24 information letters have been published.

To help practitioners, the departments of the faculty issue educational-methodical manuals of the series Library of post-diploma education.

The FPE is the only faculty of the University publishing 3 specialized journals, licensed by Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine – Bulletin of physiotherapy and balneology, Aesculapius (the department of pediatrics with the course of children physiotherapy and balneology), Tavrichesky journal of psychiatry (the department of psychiatry, narcology, psychotherapy with the course of general and medical psychology).

Now it is planned to start issuing of the journal Stomatology of Tavrida (the department of stomatology).

By tradition our faculty pays much attention to problems of balneology. Not by chance a number of departments have been organized and are working on clinical bases of the Crimean resorts. They are: the department of medical rehabilitation and balneology (the town of Yalta), a branch of the department of pediatrics with the course of children physiotherapy and balneology (the town of Eupatoria), the department of pneumology and phthisiology (the town of Yalta). The clinical base of the latter is the Research Institute of physical methods of treatment and medical climate therapy named after С.М. Sechenov. The experience of the members of these departments is unique and is of interest for doctors from different regions of our country. All this allows to train specialists for resorts of the Crimea and Ukraine.

The bases of the departments of the faculty are also all the republican clinical medical institutions, large city medical establishments of Simferopol, Yalta, Eupatoria, several sanatoriums and resort polyclinics.

The departments of the faculty have big branches situated in medical institutions of the Kherson region and in the city hospital of Eupatoria and Sevastopol.

The faculty of post-diploma education is always in the center of attention; all those who want to make progress are interested in our faculty.

The staff of the department: 2 assistant Professors, 3 assistants.

The department of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology of the faculty of post-diploma education was founded in January 2001.

The department teaches interns, masters, clinical ordinators. Advanced courses for obstetricians and gynecologists during the pre-attestation cycles and thematic advanced courses in the themes: topical problems of diagnostics of pre-natal state of the fetus; family planning; fundamentals of primary reanimation and intensive therapy of newborns are carried out as well.

The main direction of the research work of the department is «Prophylaxis, treatment and rehabilitation of pathology of the reproductive female system». Besides, the following topics are worked out: endometriosis, problems during the Caesarian section, prevention of post-operative complications after gynecological surgeries; pathological preliminary period; contraception; delivery in the women of particular professions; problems of endoscopic methods of diagnostics and treatment in gynecological practice. At the department 1 doctoral, 7 candidate and 2 master theses are being carried out.

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