The history of the Second medical faculty dates back to 1939 when the pediatric faculty was established, later on reorganized into the second medical one. At different years it was headed by Professors I.I. Sysoyev, K.D. Pyatkin, P.Ye. Kulchitsky, A.I. Beketov, N.V. Lukash, U.S. Krivoshein, assistant Professor V.V. Svistov, Professors B.V. Trotsenko, S.E. Shibanov, L.V. Dudar. Since 1999 the dean of the faculty has been Professor S.N. Krutikov.
The scientific-pedagogical activity of many famous scientists is connected with the pediatric faculty. Among them there are Professors N.I. Korolyova, S.M. Gavalov, N.Ya. Kamensky, K.S. Keropian, K.N. Sysganova, M.N. Bessonova, V.P. Pomerantseva, K.D. Pyatkin, N.Ye. Boyarinov, G.K. Gulyayev and others.
At present the 14 departments of the faculty are headed by the well-known specialists, highly qualified teachers. Honoured Worker of Science and Technique of Ukraine Professor M.V. Ivanova, Academician of Academy of Sciences of the Crimea Professor I.V. Bogadelnikov, Professors V.P. Sleptsov, A.K. Zagorulko, S.E. Shibanov, N.S. Kuznetsov, A.A. Khrenov, I.P. Fomochkin, Ye.V. Yevstafjeva, G.U. Azhitsky, V.M. Syegalov, assistant Professors, doctors of medical sciences U.L. Krivorutchenko, P.S. Arshinov, Ivanov are among them. At the faculty there are 28 doctors of medical sciences, 76 candidates of medical sciences, including 34 assistant Professors.
From 1997 to 2001 at the faculty 4 doctoral theses, including one in the specialty «Pediatrics», and 27 candidate theses, 9 of them in the specialty «Pediatrics» were defended. During the last five years 11 monographs, 26 textbooks and manuals, 460 scientific articles and 40 methodical recommendations have been published at the faculty.
The members of the departments successfully solve topical scientific problems directed at improvement of the medical work, and render efficient aid to the institutions of practical medicine on the clinical bases, in the cities, regions and at the resorts of the Crimea. Consultations in recovery of children are carried out at the children sanatoriums of Eupatoria (health-centers «Zdravnitsa», «Chaika», «Brigantine» and others), at the international children center «Artek». The results of the researches of the department of hospital pediatrics were published in the monograph «Treatment of children at health-resorts of Ukraine». The monograph «Medical aspects of recovery of children in the international children center «Artek» issued at the department of hospital pediatrics received the State Prize of the Republic of the Crimea.
Republican scientific-practical conferences on the recovery of children at the resorts are held annually. On the initiative of the department of hospital pediatrics a number of sanatoriums for treatment of children with diseases of joints, kidneys, respiratory organs were established; Ukrainian research institute of children balneology and physiotherapy has been organized and is functioning successfully. The department popularizes a healthy mode of living. The book «Our Child», in which the questions of physiology, feeding and care for an infant are elucidated, was published.
According to Order by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine №70 of April 3, 1996, students of the first-fifth years are trained on the basis of the common curriculum and irrespective of their specialization take common state final examination on completion of training. In the sixth year of training there is a primary specialization by teaching appropriate special subjects. In 2001/2002 academic year for the first time the faculty will carry out specialization of the graduates, who entered the University in 1996 on the specialty «pediatrics».
All the departments of the faculty work at perfection of through integrated programs of theoretical and practical training of a doctor-pediatrician. A particular attention is paid to clinical profession-oriented aspect in studying fundamental subjects. At these departments the volume of knowledge and skills is determined, and without mastering this base, a student will not be allowed to pass to clinical training. Licensed integrated examinations KROK-1 and KROK-2 are to achieve the same object. These examinations determine the correspondence between the level of professional knowledge and skills of the students and the minimal level of state standard for the specialty «doctor-pediatrician». According to the results of KROK-2 in 2001, the graduates of the faculty got a higher grade (73%) than an average national index (72.5%), which is the evidence of the quality of training of future doctors.
At the faculty where 670 students are trained at present, … of them in the specialty «pediatrics», all the necessary conditions are created to achieve the main aim, i.e. to train a highly-qualified specialist. There are 12 students in an academic group, in the sixth year the number of students in one group is 10. This allows to individualize instruction. Clinical classes are usually taught in hospital wards and in the rooms of functional, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. The students have a possibility to master knowledge and skills actively. Besides, all the necessary conditions for creative work, intellectual development and self-perfection are provided.
Doctors-pediatricians graduated from our faculty work successfully in all regions of our country and help to solve important social tasks, protecting the health of children. Among them there are: O.N. Starosek, the main pediatrician of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea; Professor V.L. Zubaryev, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Crimea, the chairman of the commission of the Supreme Soviet of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea in social problems and public health; A.S. Pisarenko, a candidate of medical sciences, the head of the department of endocrinology at Children hospital №3; V.P. Usachenko, the head of hematological department of Republican children clinical hospital, the Man of the Year-1999.
The staff of the department: 1 Doctor of Medical Sciences, 1 Professor, 1 assistant Professor, 1 senior teacher, 2 assistants.
The department of microbiology was founded in 1931, and its first head was Professor S.M. Shchastny, a many-sided scientist and a wonderful organizer. From 1938 till 1941 the department was headed by Professor V.D. Shtiben. During the period of Institute evacuation G.A. Sutin was in charge of the department. Since 1945 for 30 years the department was conducted by Kirill Dmitriyevich Pyatkin. In 1961 a virological laboratory was established on the base of the department. Under the guidance of Professor K.D. Pyatkin, 8 doctoral and 25 candidate theses were defended. From 1980 to 1999 the head of the department was Professor Yu.S. Krivoshein who contributed much into creation of therapeutic, prophylactic and diagnostic preparations. The results of study of bioluminescent photobacteria allowed to prepare and carry out a number of biological experiments on board of the orbital station «Mir». The researches of Professor Yu.S. Krivoshein and the members of the department proved a high antiviral activity of the preparation of miramistine created at the department and grounded the possibility of its application for individual protection from HIV-infection. 5 doctoral and 15 candidate theses were defended under his supervision.
A great work in writing textbooks, manuals and programs on microbiology, virology and immunology for medical students was carried on. The department was a leading one in teaching microbiology among the higher schools of the USSR. In 1983 Professors K.D. Pyatkin and Yu.S. Krivoshein received the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR in the field of science and technique for the textbook in microbiology (translated into many languages).
The members of the department teach microbiology, virology and immunology at all the faculties (including international). Classes are delivered in English for English-speaking groups of the International faculty.
The collective of the department and the problem laboratory are working on the scientific theme «Microbiological and immunological effect of glycosides and other biologically active substances».