After almost 6 months of hard work, brain storming and intensive planning, the International Medical Students Conference 2006 became а realization on the 2nd of March 2006, headed by the committee, who were students of the International Medical Faculty, from the 4th till 6th course. The committee members and volunteers were from India, Malaysia and Mauritius, and а collective effort was streamed into the entire event to open boundaries and lead students to better exposure in the field of Research and Development.
Being held for the 2nd time in Crimea State Medical University (CSMU), this time the conference was attended by professors from the United States of America (USA), Malaysia, and Lugansk State Medical University (LSMU), and not forgetting fellow professors from CSMU, who were part of this multi aimed event for students. А heartfelt gratitude is conveyed to the Minister оf Works of Malaysia, Dato Seri S Samy Vellu who is the main sponsor for this conference.
Attended by mоre then 100 students from 1st till 6th year, the 1st day began with an opening speech by the Prorector of Scientific Research, Prof. А. V. Kubyshkin. From here the oral presentation by students, which comprised of theoretical abstracts and 2 workshops, namely on Techniques оf Labor and Infant Resuscitation, by Dotcent I. К. Kamilova, and Dotcent А.G Sidorov respectifully got students to focus their minds.
The first day saw Prof.Y.L Krivorutchenko delivering his opening speech on Emerging and Reemerging Infections аnd I. N. Bykhovets followed with his speech on HIV&TB. The poster and 2nd half of oral presentation on theoretical abstracts and 1 workshop filled the 2nd half of the day which ended at 4pm.
The 2nd day, which was 3rd March 2007, begun with the 2nd session which comprised оf clinical abstracts and 6 workshops, namely on Introduction to Epidemiology, Infectious Diseases, Surgery, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Fulbright Scholcrship & Ncbulizxr Techniques. The workshops were given by Dotcent N.V Rymarenko, Asst А. V. Batsura, Рrof Burnett, Asst. А.G Butyrsky, Prof О. S. Reshetnikova, Asst Pavel Melnychenko and Asst Yuriy Bisyuk.
The workshops started from 9.30 right up to 15.30.
The morning lecture was given by Prof В. Burnett (USA) whith the title of “2 Vector Bourne Diseases in the USA" followed by Prof О.S Reshetnikova (LSMU) with the title оf "Fetal-Placental Interactions in Cases оf Intra Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) at 20-27 Weeks of Gestation". The afternoon lectures were delivered by Prof I. V.
Zadnipryany with the title of "Infant Hypoxia" and by Prof Dato Marimuthu (Malaysia), who gave а lecture with the title of "Public Нealth Education in Malaysia" and gave а brief insight of Asian Institute оf Medicine, Science and Technology (AIMST).
On the 4th of March 200б, saw anxious participants filling the hall, many of them having palpitations, as the day was to begin with the announcement оf winners for the oral and poster presentation. Thunderous applause and joyful screams filled the hall as winners were announced. The winners of hс Oral and Poster presentation were:
Oral presentation — Theory
1. А Study of the Influence of sporting activity on the Reaction Time of Аthletes.
Ashok Маrарраn, Lee Hsin Yi, Edmund Suryah
2. 2nd thoughts
Reuben Ooi Seng Kiat, Thevan Balasingam, Viknesvaran Thangiah
3. Polycystic Ovary Syndrom
Sarmukh Singh, Ashok Krishna Perumal, Vicknesh Krishnan
Oral Presentation — Clinical
1. Healing of Burn by Using Bronchial-Alveolar Protective Complex
Tang Jeng Yin, Lam Sin Wei, Vinvie Hee Wei Huo
2. Gum Tissue Remodelling at Patients with Chronic Periodontitis and Pre-implantation Treatment
Sergiy Morozov
3. Children who are Frequently Ill
Wong Wei Kong, Malar Shanti