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Crimean State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky

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Vivat alma mater!

The Crimean medical university has a glorious history. It started with organization of the medical faculty at Tavriyan university in 1918 and foundation of autonomous Crimean medical institute in 1931 till becoming an advanced higher school - the Crimean state medical university named after S. I. Georgievsky having the IV (highest) level of accreditation. All these years the University has been a center of medical education and medical science in the Crimea, providing academic and vocational training, as well as research and medical-consultative activity in specialities "General Medicine", and "Pharmacy".

Today it’s an up-to-date educational institution, which basic task is the development of the state intellectual potential and providing highly qualified specialists for the medical services. It’s an educational and scientific center, opening a treasury of professional knowledge, world and national values of medical science and culture for the youth of both Ukraine and many countries of the world.

A model of a continuous medical education was created at the University including preparatory department, preparatory courses and medical lyceum, 5 faculties to train doctors and a post-diploma education faculty. Of 54 departments of the University there are 4 departments responsible for educational and methodical work and 14 departments responsible for the final state examinations. Junior specialists and bachelors are trained in specialities “Nursing”, “Prosthetic dentistry”, “Pharmacy”; doctors - in specialities “General Medicine”, ”Pediatrics”, “Clinical Pharmacy”, “Stomatology”. University graduates continue their education in one of 22 suggested specialities in internship at the post-diploma faculty. Education can be continued in clinical ordinature, post-graduate courses. In future a specialist can improve qualification in one of 48 specialities at the post-diploma education faculty.

The university has elaborated a complex approach to organizational and scientific-methodical supply of the training process. At the clinical departments there are educational films, moulages, phantoms, diagnostic inventory - everything has been done for the educational process to meet the requirements of the modern time. It is particularly important nowadays when the University has actively started the transformation of educational process according to Bologna system.

University is constantly a leader in the rating among the higher medical schools of Ukraine according to the results of the state licensed exams “KROK-M”, “KROK-1”, “KROK-2”, “KROK-3”, being a proof of high level training of the alumni of the University. The University is particularly proud of its highly qualified academic staff which totals 850 persons, including 99 doctors of science, professors, 356 candidates of science (Ph-holders), assistant professors. 40 professors of the University are academicians and Corresponding Members of native and foreign academies of science, 14 - Laureates of State Prize, 60 - have honorary titles. About 4.7 thousand students study at the Crimean state medical university named after S. I. Georgievsky including 1.7 thousand foreign citizens from 34 countries of the world.

Since 1999 the University has been developing a new form of education - instruction in the English language. CSMU is the leader among the higher schools in number of foreign students and quality of education. A title of laureate of rating of higher schools of Ukraine “Sofia Kievskaya – 2004” for fruitful development of international relations and training of highly qualified specialists testifies to the merits of the University.
The International medical faculty of the University was certified by IES (International Education Society Ltd., London) with the highest rating AA as “Top institution that is internationally known and recognized”.

For 75 years the University has been performing its main mission - training students to become professional doctors. All the academic staff of the University works with all its might to graduate a highly professional, intellectual, harmonious specialist.

CSMU educates a doctor-specialist of the most humane profession on Earth who gives his knowledge and skills to protection and improvement of people’s health.

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