Coat of Arms
Crimean State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky

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Main page | To the University Entrants
General Information

The university enrolls students for the first year:
- Medical faculty - on a daily basis, term of study - 6 years, specialities:
• “General medicine” – on a state budget basis-149 seats, on a contract basis-100 seats for the citizens of Ukraine and 370 ones for foreign citizens;
• “Pediatrics” - on a state budget basis – 60 seats, on a contract basis- 20 seats for the citizens of Ukraine; 
- Dentistry faculty - on a daily basis, term of study - 5 years, speciality:
• “Dentistry”- on a state budget basis- 20 seats, on a contract basis- 125 seats for the citizens of Ukraine and 20 ones for foreign citizens; 
- Pharmaceutical faculty - daily form of education, term of study - 5 years,
• “Clinical pharmacy” - on a state budget basis- 3 seats, on a contract basis- 100 seats for the citizens of Ukraine and 10 ones for foreign citizens; 
- University medical college - on a daily basis, specialities:
• “nursing”(Bachelor degree) - on a state budget basis- 10 seats for the citizens of Ukraine, who received medical education on speciality “nursing”, term of study - 2 years;
• “nursing” - on a state budget basis- 15 seats for the citizens of Ukraine, on a contract basis- 75 seats for the citizens of Ukraine, term of study -2 years;
• “orthopedic dentistry”- on a state budget basis- 2 seats, on a contract basis- 65 seats for the citizens of Ukraine; term of study - 3 years;
• “pharmacy”- on a state budget basis- 3 seats, on a contract basis- 47 seats for the citizens of Ukraine; term of study - 2 years;

Citizens of Ukraine and foreign citizens who received a secondary education (high school) are admitted to the university. Only citizens of Ukraine are allowed to study on a state budget basis. It is allowed to hand in the documents to study on both a state budget basis, contract one and to the university medical college concurrently.

The documents are submitted: to the university - from the 1st to 15th July; medical college (Bachelor degree) - from the1st to 22nd July (working hours- 9.00-17.00); day off- Saturday and Sunday. Entrants must certify medical (health) certificate at the polyclinic of the university and get a receipt of payment for the service of the entrance examination board beforehand.

Entrants attach to the application:
• school-leaving certificate (original or notarized Xerox copy);
• 6 identical color photos, size 3x4cm (for foreign citizens – 6 color photos, 4x6cm);
• a document (documents) of the Ukrainian center of estimation of the quality of education (original or notarized Xerox copy);
• medical (health) certificate, form 086-y (vaccinations are indicated) certified at the university polyclinic;
• a copy of work experience book or its Xerox copy certified and dated by the personnel manager of last place of employment (for those who have any work experience);
• passport (it is produced) and its Xerox copy (pages 1, 2, registration);
• document confirming military service membership (registration) is produced;
• any documents that prove the privilege at the entrance examinations (assignment – a document of institution stating they need a specialist, certificate of disability, etc);
• a receipt of payment for the service of entrance examination board;
• entry visa (for foreigners).

After successful entrance examinations, the nominees to study at the university must substitute  copies of documents for original ones and if possible hand in a Xerox copy of identification code within two days. Nominees applying to study on a contract basis must pay educational fee for one year and sign a contract within two days. Entrants submit and take back the above mentioned documents and applications to study at the CSMU personally.

Entrance examinations are held in writing and in a form of tests from July 17th (medical college- from July 24th ) on specialities:
• “general medicine” – chemistry(key exam),biology, Ukrainian(Russian)- dictation;
• “pediatrics” - biology(key exam),chemistry, Ukrainian(Russian)- dictation;
• “dentistry” - biology(key exam),chemistry, Ukrainian(Russian)- dictation;
• “clinical pharmacy” - chemistry(key exam),biology, Ukrainian(Russian)- dictation;
• “nursing”(Bachelor degree) –basis of nursing,( oral, key exam), Ukrainian(Russian)- dictation;
• “nursing”- biology(key exam), Ukrainian(Russian)- dictation;
• “orthopedic dentistry” - modeling(key exam), biology, Ukrainian(Russian)- dictation;
• “pharmacy” - chemistry(key exam), Ukrainian(Russian)- dictation;

Number and form of entrance examinations both on a state budget basis and contract one are equal. Evaluation of the entrants’ progress is given according to the twelve score system at all the examinations. Entrance examinations are held in accordance with the Program for entrants of the higher educational establishments. Entrants, who received a mark (grade) in Ukrainian in their school certificate, write a dictation only in Ukrainian. Those who have
gained great progress in education:

A. secondary (high) school - leavers, awarded golden (silver) medal,

B. graduates of medical schools of the 1-2 level of accreditation, who graduated with distinction, sit a key examination on a corresponding speciality. Having received a “10 – 12” mark at the key exam, they are admitted to the university and don’t take the rest ones, having received “4 –9” mark, sit for the rest of the examinations and participate in the general competition.

Entrants are admitted to the university without entrance examinations:

A. participants of international Olympiads;

B. prize-winners of the IV- th stage of all-Ukrainian pupils’ Olympiads, in case they enter the speciality, where the key exam is the discipline they have competed at the Olympiad;

C. prize-winners of the final stage of all-Ukrainian competition on nursing skills who studied last year at medical schools in 2006/2007.

Entrants are admitted to the university on the results of interview:
• victims of Chernobyl catastrophe to whom according to law of Ukraine “ On the status and social protection of citizens who suffered from the Chernobyl catastrophe” (in the reduction of the law of Ukraine of 19.12.91 with the changes and additions of 01.07.92 and 06.06.96) receive such a right;
• prize-winners of the III stage of all-Ukrainian pupils’ Olympiads, competitions-presentations of Malaya Academy of sciences of Ukraine studying at school in 2006/2007 in 11(12) form (grade) and in case they enter the speciality, where the key exam is the discipline they have competed and won;
• Bachelor-graduates of the post-graduate faculty of the CSMU of 2007, who received a diploma with distinction;
• Graduates of the preparatory department or teaching and educational complex (school of the second level-medical and biological lyceum),in case they are entering on the contract basis and have got “7-12” mark(grade) in their school-leaving certificate;
• Those entering on the speciality “nursing”(bachelor degree), who received a diploma with distinction after graduating from the university medical college and recommended by the teachers’council (5 seats on the budget basis);
• School leavers of teaching and educational complex (school of the second level-medical and biological lyceum) awarded golden/silver medal, who enter to the university medical college.  Interview is held on the 7th of July and for those entering to the medical college, bachelor degree, on the 13th of July. Entrants are enrolled to the university on a speciality on a competition basis according to the pass mark received at the entrance examinations. Entrants are enrolled to the university on a special competition basis being permanently registered at the rural area and those who received assignment of the corresponding department of the Ministry of Health. Entrants are enrolled hors concours in case they receive positive marks at the entrance examinations who have such a right according to the law of Ukraine “On the status of the war veteran”, “ On the status and social protection of citizens who suffered from the Chernobyl catastrophe”, orphans, invalids of the 1st and 2nd group, who have no contra-indications to study on a chosen speciality.

Entrants, who didn’t come to the entrance examinations on the approved schedule, are not allowed to continue examinations. Appeals of university entrants are lodged in not later than the next day after the mark on the written exam and the same day after the mark on the oral exam is announced.

An extra admission to the university on the contract basis is foreseen in case of vacant seats and the entrant concludes the contract with the commercial department of university after the competition is won.

Entrance examination board address:

95006,Simferopol, Lenin Avenue 5/7, block 2-a, room No.10

Telephones for information:

Entrance examination board –(0652) 25-47-11, 294-923 (university); 294-978 (medical college).

Working hours:  Before the 30th of June –15.00 -17.00; from the 1st of July – 9.00- 17.00, Saturday and Sunday – days off.

Preparatory courses – (0652) 294 –913 (9.00 – 17.00)

Preparatory department – (0652) 294-905 (9.00 – 17.00)

Internet page –; E-mail of the entrance examination board -

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