Coat of Arms
Crimean State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky

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Admission of foreign citizens to CSMU

Most foreign citizens study at the departments of International Medical Faculty and Dental Faculty. At our University instruction for foreigners is in Russian (Ukrainian) and English. There are 350 lecturers who speak English fluently.

At CSMU, foreign citizens may take courses in the following specialties:

- Medicine (in Russian and English): the period of study is 6 years, instruction being internal;

- Dentistry (in Russian): the period of study is 5 years, instruction being internal, too.

The University course having been completed successfully, the Faculty graduates are awarded with the diploma of international standard, as well as the Graduation Certificate with the guarantee of International Educational Society (London).

Foreign students may arrive at the University for studies:

1. In the 1st of CSMU (if they choose instruction in English or if they know Russian well enough to take a course in this language);

2. At the preparatory department of CSMU (if they are going to study in Russian but do not know it well enough);

3. In the clinical ordinature (post-graduate studies) to perfect the professional skills of a doctor

If you wish to study at our University and you have the level of education as required by the criteria for entrants, you should get an invitation for studies at CSMU. To do it, you may choose one of the following ways:

1. Through the official partners of the University working in your country

2. Through a representative of the University who may come to your country

3. Through a student of CSMU you know (in such a case you should give him/her a copy of your passport and a copy of a document of complete secondary education)

4. You may come to the University yourself by tourist or any other visa and produce a copy of your passport and a copy of a document of complete secondary education (our address is: Lenina blvd. 5/7, Simferopol, Autonomous Republic of the Crimea, Ukraine, code 95006; contact tel./fax: +(38-0652)-250-400, E-mail: - see the plan of the University.

After you have received an invitation for studies at CSMU, you should prepare a packet of documents for entrance into Ukraine. Please, be careful while selecting the documents as the customs and frontier rules in Ukraine are quite strict and you may be deprived of the right to move into Ukraine in case of improper filling-in of the documents. It is advisable to prepare all the documents in advance and to arrange them as they are listed. While moving into Ukraine, you should have this packet of documents with you, but not send them as luggage.

Peculiarities of studying in Ukraine and CSMU

Please, mind that in Ukraine classes start as a rule on September 1 so foreign citizens should come to the University before October 1. If a student arrives after October 1, the University has to coordinate his or her admission with Ministry of Health of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in every single case.

Instruction of the University students is carried out in accordance with the curriculum. The academic year lasts usually till June and then the students have a vacation. The academic year is divided into two semesters (terms): the autumn one (September to January) and the spring one (February to May). There is winter vacation (1-2 weeks) and summer vacation (about 2 months) between the terms.

The discipline at CSMU is quite strict with obligatory attendance of most practical classes and lectures, which is under the constant control of the Dean’s office (inspectors, the Dean, and Dean’s assistants).

According to the Legislation of Ukraine, foreigners should produce the following packet of documents while entering CSMU:

1. An application for admission to the University;

2. A questionnaire of an applicant;

3. An original of a certificate of secondary or higher education (or its attested copy) with the list of the subjects studied and marks received (the Certificate should include Chemistry, Biology and Physics with not less than 50% marks for them), its translation into Ukrainian, attested by the translator at the Embassy of Ukraine and legalized at the Embassy of Ukraine in accordance with established procedure;

4. A certificate of graduating from preparatory courses in Russian or Ukrainian (an original) for those entrants to the first year who are planning to study in Russian;

5. A certificate of health attested by official health authorities of the country, where a foreigner has arrived from, and received not earlier than 2 months before his/her arrival in Ukraine, its translation into Ukrainian, attested by the translator at the Embassy of Ukraine and legalized at the Embassy of Ukraine in accordance with established procedure;

6. A certificate of health, in particular confirming absence of HIV-infection received not earlier than 2 months before his/her arrival in Ukraine, its translation into Russian, attested by a translator at the Embassy of Ukraine and legalized at the Embassy of Ukraine in accordance with established procedure;

7. An original (or an attested copy) of a certificate of birth, its translation into Ukranian, attested by a translator at the Embassy of Ukraine and legalized at the Embassy of Ukraine in accordance with established procedure;

8. 8 photos 3 by 4 cm

9. A valid national passport produced in person;

10. A receipt to prove payment of academic fees for 1 year before the beginning of classes at the University;

11. A return ticket home with the open date of departure valid during one year;

12. An insurance policy of emergency medical aid.

And now we would like to give some tips to our future students:

1. After arrival at the airport (or a railway station), the newcomers are met by the University staff and representatives of the firms-partners who help them to get to the University. Therefore, you should inform the University or the firm in advance about the date of arrival in Ukraine.

2. Please, be careful while selecting the documents as the customs and frontier rules in Ukraine are quite strict and you may be deprived of the right to move into Ukraine in case of improper filling-in of the documents. It is advisable to prepare all the documents in advance and to arrange them as they are listed. While moving into Ukraine, you should have this packet of documents with you, but not send them as luggage.

3. When at the frontier of Ukraine, a customs or frontier officer has a right to interview you to find out the reason for your entrance into Ukraine. So you should know well what university you are entering, what specialty you have chosen, as well as the town you are going to.

4. Spices and powders in bulk may arouse suspicion in customs officers and be seized.

5. Though the climate in the Crimea is considered mild and the warmest in Ukraine, the end of autumn and winter might be cold (with the temperature less than -100С). So you’d better prepare warm shoes, socks, jacket and cap in advance in case of cold spell!

6. The foreign students coming for studies are to be registered in the Department of Registration. There is a passport-visa department at the University, which helps students to pass a registration and follows their dwelling while in Ukraine. The overwhelming majority of students live in the CSMU hostels situated on the territory of the campus. At the same time some students are allowed to rent a flat (as an exception) if there is an official agreement between a student and a landlord.

7. The fees are paid for one academic year before the beginning of classes.

8. Before the beginning of classes all the students are examined by the specialists of the CSMU clinic. Good health of the entrants should be proved by the medical certificate received in the homeland. Nevertheless, according to the Legislation of Ukraine, all the students must buy an insurance policy for acute diseases or traumas. Outpatient examination and treatment of foreign students are carried out in the modern and well-equipped clinic of CSMU.

9. For the convenience of students, all the necessary facilities (a bank, an insurance agent, a passport-visa service, a university clinic, etc.) are situated close to the University.

10. Though the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea is considered a relatively calm and peaceful region, it is better not to leave the territory of the campus at night. There are all the necessary services on the territory of the campus (banks, cafes, restaurants, telephones, Internet, a laundry, etc.). The campus and the hostels are constantly guarded by 35 officers of the University security service. Besides, there are special staff members of the Dean’s office of the International Medical Faculty whose task is to assist foreign students in adaptation under new conditions and to help them in any possible way.

11. The University provides its students with great opportunities for scientific, cultural and sports activities. At CSMU, students’ researches are carried out constantly; a lot of scientific conferences and congresses are held every year. Students take part in all kinds of cultural societies where they can sing and dance; celebrate their national, religious and universal holidays, in our well-equipped House of Culture in particular. Finally, CSMU has at its disposal sports facilities, which are among the best in the Crimea. There is a stadium, an indoor stadium, gyms for basketball, volleyball, badminton, aerobics and gymnastics, a swimming pool and a lot of other facilities to keep fit and organize sports competitions.


Come to the Crimea and see everything with your own eyes!

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