The administration of Crimean State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky would like to inform you about our successful completion in May 2006 of an international certification of our University carried out by the International Education Society (IES), London. It should be stressed that CSMU has become the first medical school in Ukraine to pass such an international certification.
International Education Society is a highly competent international expert organization, registered officially in Great Britain and financed mostly by the Government of this country. It has been carrying out international certification of educational institutions of different levels since 1997 and issued more than 21,000 certificates for the period.
The agreement of CSMU certification was signed by consent of Ministry of Health of Ukraine in February 2006 during the visit of the representatives of our University to Brno (Czech Republic), where a client center of IES is situated. The next month, in accordance with the official procedure, CSMU provided IES with the information about the quality and quantity of professional-teaching staff, students, professional achievements of the graduates, the development of scientific, international, educational, material and technical, social and cultural activity of the University, confirmed by the copies of the main documents and documentary photographs.
After the team of international experts had been evaluating the data given for one month, we received a sample certificate and a letter from IES Director, in which he congratulated the administration of CSMU on awarding the University with a very prestigious category AA, corresponding to the definition ”Top institution that is internationally known and recognized”. Guarantee of the educational level provided by CSMU was highly estimated, as the University got an aa category corresponding to the position of the educational institution, in which “the education is led by professors and top specialists in the fields concerned”. Thus, since 2006 every graduate of the International Medical Faculty of CSMU will be able to get an IES certificate in two languages, which is evidence of the quality of the higher school and guarantee of the quality of the education received. According to the agreement between IES and CSMU, IES will send the information about the University certification to more than 100 official organizations all over the world, to Malaysia in particular.
In 2006 the first 47 graduates of Crimean State Medical University who arrived from Gemany, India, Malaysia, Mauritius, Maldives, Pakistan, Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon in addition to the International Diplomas of CSMU have received International Certificates of International Education Society. Taking into account the growing requirements to standardization of education in the world and longstanding experience of CSMU in training of foreign students, this international certification in our opinion will contribute to the rise in international rating of University graduates.
Key for certificate grade
1) indication of continent where the education was completed
E – Europe, AS – Asia, NA North America, SA – South America, A – Australia, AF – Africa
2) Indication of the state in which the education was completed
3) Qualitative level of the educational institution
AAA – top institution with the highest international guarantee
AA - top institution that is internationally known and recognized
A - top institution with international experience
BBB – highly erudite and professionally managed institution
BB – quality institution on a very good professional level
B – reliable institution which permanently attains good results
CCC – continuously improving institution with a fixed position in the education market
CC – institution solidly established in the education market
C - institution secure in the education market
DDD – institution that is gaining a position in the education market
DD – beginning institution with little experience
D – institution that is entering the education market
4) Extent of the educational programme
I – long-term programme extending over 800 lessons
II – medium-term programme extending from 101 to 800 lessons
III – short-term programme extending from 21 to 100 lessons
IV – basic programme extending from 5 to 20 lessons
5) Guarantee of the educational level
aaa – the education is led by internationally accredited professors and by top specialists in the fields concerned
aa - the education is led by professors and top specialists in the fields concerned
a - the education is led by secondary school teachers and also by professors and top specialists in the fields concerned
bbb - the education is led by secondary school teachers and by specialists in the fields concerned
bb - the education is led at least ti the extent of 50% by secondary school teachers and by specialists in the fields concerned
b - the education is predominantly by specialists in the fields concerned
ccc - the education is led predominantly by secondary school-educated lecturers and by specialists in the fields concerned
cc - the education is led predominantly by secondary school-educated lecturers
c - the education is led predominantly by lecturers who achieved their qualification by means of long-term educational programmes
d - the education is led predominantly by lecturers who achieved their qualification by means of medium-term and short-termeducational courses
6) Registration number of the client in the IES database
International Educational Society Ltd.
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